News Hub News
Why the Federal Government’s story about NDIS funding differences doesn’t add up
New data about NDIS costs has been released by Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds and the NDIA in the last week or so. Here’s our quick analysis on what the Federal Government is getting wrong in its story about well-off people with disability in the cities getting more funding than people in rural and regional areas.
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Explainer: What changes to look out for in the NDIS Amendment Bill
What are the top 5 big issues we can expect to see in the new NDIS legislation? We’ve all heard plenty about compulsory assessments – but what other changes to the NDIS are going to be hiding in there? Our friend Chadwick – who is a Senior Solicitor from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre – has very helpfully written an explainer to try and make it as easy as possible for people who are not experts in law to understand.
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“Stop independent assessments. Sack the CEO. Sack the Board.” Catch the blistering NDIS speech from disability advocate Kevin Stone
“The NDIA is at risk of turning people with a disability and families, who have been the Scheme’s greatest supporter and most important ally, into a desperate and angry enemy.” Kevin Stone, the highly-regarded intellectual disability advocate has delivered a blistering speech on the NDIS – calling not just for independent assessments to be scrapped – but also for the NDIA CEO and Board to be sacked. Watch the video, read the transcript – or join the fight here.
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NDIS compulsory assessments paused – but the fight for the NDIS is far from over
Many thousands of people with disability, family members and supporters have spoken out in recent months about their fear and anger about the planned changes to the NDIS. Today we have SOME good news from the federal government – but there is still a long way to go.
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Joint media statement from disability advocacy organisations on NDIS assessments
We welcome reports that NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds will pause a plan to force people with disability to submit to compulsory assessments to access support, but want to see much more detail about what that means for the future of the NDIS.
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I quit my job with the NDIS in protest against independent assessments
“We are not being listened to and I have had enough.” Carl Thompson has just quit his job as an NDIS Local Area Coordinator out of anger and frustration with the National Disability Insurance Agency.
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A list of the online news about NDIS compulsory assessements
Your concerns about changes to the NDIS are being heard. On March 11 the disability sector released a joint statement of concern. Since then the media about our community’s concerns hasn’t stopped. It has been hard to keep track of – so we are putting all the links together here to help make it easier.
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Putting NDIS assessments to the test
More information about the introduction of compulsory assessments for all new and existing NDIS participants has been released over the last few weeks.
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So what did the Federal Budget reveal about the NDIS?
In the middle of a global pandemic and with the country facing the worst economic crisis in more than a generation, the NDIS was never going to be a headline feature of this year’s Federal Budget.
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Keeping people with disability safe during COVID
Yesterday the National Disability Insurance Agency, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and the Department of Social Services all appeared before the Senate inquiry into the government’s management of the COVID19 pandemic.
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Testing times in the NDIS…
Just over a week ago the Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert announced the government’s response to the Tune review.
It was a good news/bad news kind of a thing.
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Big NDIS changes are coming – Government and NDIS response to the Tune Review
Some breaking news this morning …
The Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert has released the government’s response to the Tune review.
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Get your mask on!
There’s been a bunch of new info released over the last couple of months around masks and people with disability. We’ve popped it all in the one place so you don’t have to go hunting. (And we have done our best to try and explain what it all means which has NOT been easy…)
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Open letter from disability sector on the publication of NDIS settlement outcomes
Would you love to see the results of NDIS appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) but don’t have the time or spoons to wade through pages and pages of legal goobledegook?
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New Coronavirus changes for NDIS participants
The Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert has announced some changes that will be introduced to help people with disability and their families manage the impact of the Coronavirus over the coming weeks and months.
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Man with a plan – Minister Stuart Robert announces big changes for the NDIS
For the past few months Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert has been out and about telling everyone that he had come up with plan to fix ongoing issues with the NDIS. Well yesterday we got a first look at that plan during a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra.
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Planning for better planning?
With all the focus last week on the announcement of the new CEO for the National Disability Insurance Agency, you may have missed some other big changes that were announced.
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Minister Announces review of NDIS Act
The Government has just announced it will hold a review to look at the NDIS Act and rules, paving the way for their election commitment to introduce set timeframes for key NDIS processes.
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Parliament is making some changes to the NDIS Act – here’s what you need to know
The government is proposing to make changes to the NDIS Act which sets out how the NDIS should operate.
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Your message to the Minister
The Prime Minister and the new Minister for the NDIS have repeatedly said that fixing the NDIS is a top priority. What do they have in mind? Our EAC champions went to Canberra to find out.
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“I know what red tape is”. Self advocates tell the PM a few home truths
A couple of weeks ago the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the new Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert held a meeting with a small group of people with disability and their families in western Sydney.
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Health vs Disability – the good news for NDIS participants
Some good news late last week for all those sick of the argy bargy between the NDIS and health over who should pay for what.
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Media release: Every Australian Counts welcomes new Ministers to NDIS and Social Services portfolios
Every Australian Counts, the grassroots disability advocacy group that campaigned for the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, today welcomed the appointments of Stuart Robert as the new Minister for the NDIS and Minister for Government Services and Anne Ruston as the Minister for Families and Social Services.
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Your questions answered: A chat with the Minister for Families and Social Services Paul Fletcher
Last month we asked you what you most wanted to ask our pollies this federal election.
And we were flooded with questions – more than 200 in fact.
So we took the most common and we headed to Canberra to get some answers.
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