News 8 July 2016

We are one, but we are many

It’s been a week since Australia celebrated the roll out of the NDIS beyond the trial sites. The day was celebrated right across the country, in many different ways.

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News 5 July 2016

Election 2016 – what’s next for the NDIS?

There’s no clear winner yet in the Federal Election, but plenty of new faces in Parliament.

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News 1 July 2016

1 July – what they said

Today marked the start of the NDIS moving beyond the trial sites. We take a look at how Australia celebrated.

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News 1 July 2016

We made it real!

Today the NDIS moves from a handful of trial sites to the beginning of full roll out to people with disability across Australia. 

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News 29 June 2016

My first plan explained

There’s been a lot of talk in recent weeks about “My First Plan” for people who are becoming NDIS participants when the full roll out starts on 1 July. Many people have questions and concerns so we’ve spoken to the NDIA to get the facts on exactly what it means.

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News 28 June 2016

Catching up with Leigh

Leigh Creighton shared his story with Every Australian Counts just as he embarked on his NDIS journey three years ago. With the full NDIS roll out starting this Friday in many part of Australia we caught up with Leigh to see how it’s working out.

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News 24 June 2016

Friday Flashback: the day we said, bring it on!

Wow, just one more Friday to go until the roll out of the NDIS begins in many areas of Australia. Today we’re rewinding back to a year ago to our Kick-off event in Penrith, Western Sydney.

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News 23 June 2016

We did it! 150/150

Every Australian Counts supporters have asked every candidate in every one of the 150 federal electorates to pledge to make the NDIS the best it can be ahead of next week’s election.

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News 17 June 2016

Friday Flashback: The rallies that made the NDIS real

In our Friday Flashback series we turn the clock back to April 2012 when more than 20,000 people attended rallies across the country asking our politicians to make the NDIS real. Huge events, exciting times!

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News 10 June 2016

Friday Flashback – “drastic times require drastic measures!”

Our Friday Flashback series celebrates Every Australian Counts champions who fought so hard to make the NDIS dream a reality. With just three Fridays to go until the NDIS arrives in many areas of Australia, we revisit the story of James and his struggles to get the support he needed to study at university so he could set up his own travel agency for people with disability.

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News 7 June 2016

Election 2016: Help make the NDIS the best it can be

Will your candidates pledge to make the NDIS the best it can be this election? Ask them using the simple tool on our website.

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News 3 June 2016

Friday Flashback – Claire’s story

It’s only four weeks until the start of the full NDIS roll out! We’re continuing our flashbacks by re-meeting Claire Anderson. Local councilor, author, life coach and mother, Claire was one of our early Every Australian Counts supporters campaigning to make the NDIS a reality for so many Australians.

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News 30 May 2016

The finer details on the NT roll out

The NDIS will double funding for disability support in the Northern Territory and provide support for more than 6,500 Territorians with disability once it is fully rolled out by July 2019.

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News 27 May 2016

Friday Flashback – re-meet Peter

The roll out of the NDIS is just weeks away so we thought it was a good time to celebrate the thousands of Every Australian Counts supporters who campaigned tirelessly for a scheme to give people with disability control of their own lives.

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News 24 May 2016

Time for urgent action on housing

With 127,000 people expected to need housing under the NDIS, a new report has highlighted the need for urgent action on addressing the chronic shortage of affordable and accessible housing for people with disability.

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News 13 May 2016

People with disability locked out of housing

People with disability are being locked out of rental markets in all of Australia’s major cities, according to a new report from Anglicare Australia.

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News 11 May 2016

Disability Discrimination Commissioner is back

Deaf Society president and chairman of the Disability Council of NSW, Alistair McEwin, has been appointed as the new full time Disability Discrimination Commissioner.

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News 6 May 2016

Funding agreement brings certainty to the NT

The full roll out of the NDIS across the Northern Territory in the next three years is now guaranteed after a bilateral agreement was signed with the Commonwealth just in time for the Budget.

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News 6 May 2016

Budget Explainer

The 2016 Federal Budget was announced on Tuesday 3 May. What does this mean for the NDIS?

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News 29 April 2016

Mission accomplished

It’s done! The Every Australian Counts team has delivered our giant sign to Parliament House to let Treasurer Scott Morrison know our supporters are counting on him to make sure the NDIS is fully funded in next Tuesday’s Federal Budget.

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News 19 April 2016

NDIS to provide jobs for Queensland

More good news for Queenslanders, with a new study showing the NDIS will deliver both jobs and resources to the Sunshine State.

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News 18 April 2016

Your selfie gallery a work of art

Hundreds of Every Australian Counts supporters have picked up their cameras and smart phones to let Treasurer Scott Morrison know they’re expecting the NDIS to be fully funded at the 3 May Federal Budget.

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News 13 April 2016

Banknote bumps

Check out the new tactile $5 banknotes that will come into circulation from September.

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News 1 April 2016

Send the Treasurer a sign

Help make the NDIS a budget priority. The Federal Election is just around the corner and Every Australian Counts supporters are stepping up the pressure to make sure the NDIS is fully funded.

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