My first plan explained

Will people who enter the NDIS on 1 July get a plan?
Yes. Every NDIS participant will have a plan.
What is the “First Plan”?
It’s the first plan an NDIS participant will receive, the beginning of your lifelong involvement with the NDIS.
I’ve heard it will include only the supports I’m getting now. Is that right?
This plan is about everything you need now. For some people the support they are getting now is all they need. For many others, they need more. If you need more supports than you are currently getting ask for them. If they are deemed reasonable and necessary you will get them included in your first plan.
You will not simply be transitioned to the NDIS and given what you’re currently getting. There will be a planning process that you are in charge of.
What about my goals, will they be included?
While your first plan will focus on current need, goals will be included in your first plan and there is no limit to the number of short or long term goals. You might have already done a lot of thinking and planning about your goals.
If you haven’t, there’s no pressure to include all possible future goals at this stage. As you get more comfortable with your NDIS plan you may develop more future goals.
Why has the NDIA decided on this approach?
The NDIA says they decided on this approach after listening to feedback from people in the trial sites. A lot of participants wanted some time in the NDIS before deciding on their longer term goals. This approach is about getting it right, from the start.
What if my needs change?
The NDIS provides lifelong support, so needs and goals will certainly change over time. There will be reviews each year, but outside of that if your needs or circumstances change dramatically before that yearly review you should contact the NDIA.
Do I get to choose who provides my services?
Absolutely. That’s a key part of the choice and control central to the NDIS.
In some cases agreements with state and territory government mean that specific providers may need to deliver some supports initially. You’ll find out if this affects you during planning.
I’m still not sure about the supports I might get. Can you clarify that?
The supports you get are the ones you need to live your life and achieve your goals. That will be different for everyone and it won’t be based on disability type alone. Supports do have to be deemed reasonable and necessary but there is no cap.
Who am I going to talk to about getting my first plan?
There’s a few ways this will happen. Some people will meet with an NDIA Planner, some with a Local Area Coordinator. Some meetings will happen over the phone and some face-to-face. What’s most important is that you will have the same access to the same supports and services, regardless of how your planning happens.
If you are already receiving government support and are in an area that transitions to the NDIS from 1 July this year you can expect a phone call from the NDIA. This is to check eligibility and get some initial information. It is not your planning meeting.
I’m already an NDIS participant in a trial site. Will this change my plan?
No. If you’re already in the NDIS, this won’t change your plan.
What should I do now?
The best thing to do is be as ready as possible so your planning process goes well. We’ve already shared ten planning tips, and make sure you get together any reports, information or assessments you think might come in handy.
Still have a question?
The NDIA has prepared a detailed My First Plan fact sheet.
If you still have question, send us an email at: and we’ll do our best to get you an answer from the NDIA.
We’re only a few days away from the beginning of the roll out of the full NDIS. That’s exciting news after campaigning so hard for so long. But we know there’s still work to be done. Together we can make the NDIS the best it can be.
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