News Hub News

All the latest news about living with disability and the NDIS.

News 7 March 2017

WA releases evaluation report

The WA Government has released the long awaited evaluation report comparing the WA NDIS and NDIS models – a month after announcing it would go ahead with a state based model nationally consistent with other states and territories.

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News 1 March 2017

NDIS Review – 5 things to know

The Productivity Commission has released an Issues Paper as the first step in its review of NDIS costs.

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News 22 February 2017

We’re all in agreement about fully funding the NDIS

Disability discrimination commissioners past and present came together this week in a compelling interview supporting the NDIS.

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News 21 February 2017

Vale Tim Walton

Every Australian Counts is sad to learn of the passing of Tim Walton – former CEO of AFFORD and an important figure in the development of the Every Australian Counts campaign.

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News 14 February 2017

Childcare linked to NDIS funding? An explainer

The Turnbull Government yesterday announced they’d dedicate another $3billion to the NDIS but it’s not quite as simple as that. Here’s what has been happening in Canberra over the last 24 hours.

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News 13 February 2017

New national framework to ensure quality and safety

Until now each state and territory has been responsible for ensuring the quality of NDIS services and protecting NDIS participants in their jurisdiction. But that’s set to change under the new national NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

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News 1 February 2017

NDIS certainty in the West but what does the WA agreement mean?

The Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments have signed a bilateral agreement for the roll out of the NDIS that is delivered by the WA Government but is “nationally consistent” with other states and territories.

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News 26 January 2017

Six years on – the NDIS is transforming lives

26 January 2017 marks the sixth anniversary of the Every Australian Counts campaign and the beginning of the journey to the NDIS.

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News 25 January 2017

Roll with it: Katie’s story

Katie Bullen’s enthusiasm for the NDIS is infectious.

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News 24 January 2017

Review of NDIS costs brought forward

Late last week the Treasurer announced he was bringing forward the review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme to be undertaken by the Productivity Commission.

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News 24 January 2017

Let’s celebrate the NDIS vision

As the new NDIA Board take up their position, a farewell letter from outgoing Chair Bruce Bonyhady AM is a reminder that the NDIS is continuing to transform lives for thousands of people with disability, says Every Australian Counts Campaign Director John Della Bosca.

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News 17 January 2017

New NDIS sites from 1 Jan

The NDIS roll out is continuing in 2017, with four new regions across the country and two new age groups in South Australia and Tasmania entering the NDIS from 1 January.

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News 12 January 2017

New board revealed for NDIA

Speculation about a new board for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is over with the announcement of the new board over the summer holiday period.

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News 22 December 2016

See you in Jan!

Another year almost done, and it’s been a huge one for the NDIS.

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News 20 December 2016

Bringing Human Rights to Life

2016 has been a big year for the Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU).

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News 16 December 2016

Willow’s dancing up a storm

One of the first participants in the NDIS, Willow is now in Year One and is a keen dancer and swimmer. We caught up with her mum Janelle to hear about Willow’s progress.

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News 15 December 2016

Research to Action

The Centre for Applied Disability Research is asking for your help to bridge the gap between what we know and what we do.

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News 14 December 2016

NDIS co-design must include everyone

As the first six months of the NDIS nears, two separate reports have raised concerns that carers are falling through the cracks and providers are struggling to keep up demand.

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News 5 December 2016

Your buying rights under the NDIS

The NDIS will create a market for disability services worth $16 billion a year, so it’s good news our consumer watchdog has released a new guide to consumer rights for people with disability.

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News 3 December 2016

Celebrating #IDPwD

Today is International Day of Person’s with Disability, and this year people with disability around the world are looking to build a better future.

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News 2 December 2016


A decision has finally been reached about the future of the NDIS in Western Australia, paving the way for a statewide rollout of a WA-managed NDIS from 1 July next year.

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News 1 December 2016

Choosing the right AT for you…

A free new app aims to empower Australians with disability by giving them the information they need to choose the assistive equipment and technology options that are right for them.

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News 16 November 2016

Rocky start to NDIS transition period

The first quarterly report covering the NDIS transition phase has been released. Here’s what you need to know.

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News 16 November 2016

8 things you need to know about the ILC

The second part of the NDIS is about to roll-out around the country, and it’s all about building inclusive communities.

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