News Hub News

All the latest news about living with disability and the NDIS.

News 21 September 2015

A-Z of the NDIS roll outs in NSW and Victoria

The release of roll out plans for Victoria and NSW will give certainty to 245,000 people with disability, their families and carers who have been waiting for news of when the NDIS will come to them. We look in more detail at the roll out in both states.

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News 16 September 2015

What does the community think of the NDIS roll out plans?

The release of the NDIS roll out plans for NSW and Victoria yesterday had everyone talking. We’ve heard from the politicians but what is the disability community saying?

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News 16 September 2015

“An emotional and proud day”: how our pollies marked the NDIS milestone

As one of his first acts as new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull released the NSW and Victorian roll out plans during a press conference today. If you missed it, here’s a taste of what he and the state Premiers had to say about this significant milestone.

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News 16 September 2015

BREAKING NEWS: first NDIS roll out plans released!

In news just in, the NSW and Victorian Governments have just released their NDIS roll out plans.

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News 16 September 2015

Victorian Minister message to EAC

As the Victorian NDIS roll out plan is released, the Victorian Minister for Disability, Martin Foley, sends a video message to people with disability and their families in Victoria.

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News 16 September 2015

NSW Minister message to EAC

The NSW Minister for Disability, John Ajaka, has filmed a special message for Every Australian Counts supporters to mark the release of the NSW roll out plans.

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News 15 September 2015

What does our new PM think of the NDIS?

As Australia wakes up to the news that Malcolm Turnbull has replaced Tony Abbott as our new Prime Minister, we have a look at what he has said on the public record about the NDIS.

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News 8 September 2015

Where are the NDIS roll out plans?

Today Every Australian Counts supporters emailed the disability minister in their state or territory to ask when the NDIS would be coming to them.

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News 4 September 2015

“It will be a big sigh of relief”: waiting for the NDIS roll out plans

When the Federal Government announced in April 2012 that it would support the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), mother of three Heike Fabig was over the moon.

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News 28 August 2015

NDIS video and FAQ out now

Check out the fully captioned video of last month’s Every Australian Counts Kick Off event in NSW, which was live-streamed across Australia.

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News 18 August 2015

At home with Michael, Josh and Fraser

In Newcastle three families have pooled their resources and set up a house for their adult sons, which is supported by workers paid for by the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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News 13 August 2015

Improvements for Jace thanks to NDIS early intervention

In July three-year old Jace Kirby and his family became the first South Australians to use a new early intervention service for children with autism funded under the NDIS. The results have been significant.

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News 6 August 2015

Ticket to work a ticket to life

An employment initiative for teenagers with disability is training a whole generation of baristas, chefs, gardeners, photographers, and designers… to name a few!

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News 5 August 2015

Countdown’s begun to the 2015 National Disability Awards

Know someone who’s making an amazing difference in the disability sector? Now’s your chance to show how much you appreciate them.

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News 3 August 2015

8 brilliant new accessibility inventions

Every wondered what smart glasses could look like or how you could make your computer entirely hands free?

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News 28 July 2015

NDIS focus for major desert festival

Held from 31 July – 5 August 2015 in Tennant Creek, the Annual Desert Harmony Festival is an action packed celebration of community, music, food and art, which this year celebrates disability and the NDIS.

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News 24 July 2015

Every Australian has a right to work

Access to jobs is one of the most important human rights issues people with disability face according to a national survey by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

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News 21 July 2015

#goaussies: Australian Special Olympians head to LA

Good luck to Australia’s Special Olympics team heading off to Los Angeles this week for the World Summer Games.

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News 16 July 2015

Exciting times ahead: lessons from the NDIS trial sites

It’s two years since the National Disability Scheme (NDIS) trial site started in the Hunter and a year after it kicked off in the ACT, so we spoke to one of the large disability providers in both trial sites to find out how they think it’s going and what they’ve learned so far.

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News 16 July 2015

Why are there still access issues at my train station?

A five-year review of the accessibility of Australia’s public transport networks found that 10 years after the first disability transport standards were first introduced, there’s still plenty more to do.

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News 14 July 2015

Queensland announces early launch of NDIS

The Queensland Government has announced $1.9 million for “the early launch of a National Disability Insurance Scheme”.

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News 10 July 2015

Disability Rights and Every Australian Counts Campaign inspires an exhibition

Disability Leader Katharine Annear of South Australia, one of 12 disability leaders represented in the Grassroots Democracy: the Campaign for Disability Rights Exhibition.

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News 7 July 2015

Sam, Hayden and Ben star in WallaraTV

On Monday, 13 July a new television show made by young people with disability at Dandenong based service provider Wallara will screen on Channel 31. It’s an exciting new way of sharing the stories of people with disability and for the people behind the new channel, it’s only the beginning. Every Australian Counts spoke to Wallara’s Digital Communications Manager, Jay Pinkster to find out more.

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News 6 July 2015

A massive week for NDIS

In the last week we have seen the roll out of the NDIS in western Sydney, an extension of the trial in WA and most other trial sites marking significant milestones. Best of all, more than 13,600 people are now in the Scheme and express high levels of satisfaction with how it is transforming their lives.

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