Opinion 24 February 2016

All the world’s a stage for David

David Baker’s workforce participation has come from inspired teachers, personal helpers and mentors in the arts and Victorian TAFE theatre courses. Now he is getting ready to mentor others.

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News 23 February 2016

NDIS on track

The National Disability Scheme continues to be on time and on Budget according to the latest quarterly report on its progress.

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News 23 February 2016

Jobs, jobs, jobs!

The NDIS is expected to create thousands of new jobs in NSW alone and there’s evidence they are already being created.

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News 16 February 2016

Calls being heard for the re-introduction of a Disability Commissioner

The resignation of Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson this week has reignited the call for a full-time disability commissioner with lived experience of disability.

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News 15 February 2016

NDIS: Makes Economic Sense

The NDIS will create thousands of jobs and add up to $7.3billion to NSW’s economy alone according to new report released today – results of the biggest ABS survey of people with disability and their carers ever undertaken.

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News 12 February 2016

The NDIS is rock solid

Another week, another story about funding and the NDIS. So it’s great news to see strong support from the NSW Disability Minister in our national newspaper and a promise from the Commonwealth that it will be rolled out on time.

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Opinion 4 February 2016

Talking cents about the NDIS

It was with apparent naivety that I was shocked to see in last week’s The Australian “$5bn budget hit as NDIS fund dwindles”. Could it be that the NDIS, the only policy in Australian that our last four Prime Ministers are in complete agreement on, is up for question again?

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Opinion 3 February 2016

Paying lip service to accessibility

One of the worst aspects of living with a disability and being unable to work is the social isolation. Being trapped in your home, day after day. The social isolation is a huge causative factor in depression, which goes hand in hand with chronic pain and illness.

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News 2 February 2016

Lego’s wheelchair figure a ‘toy like me’

Lego has just improved the toy box options for the 150 million children with a disability worldwide by launching its first ever toy figure in a wheelchair.

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News 29 January 2016

What’s the Budget fuss?

This week a major national newspaper led with an “exclusive” story about the costs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a curious story given there is nothing new in it. It’s no secret that the NDIS comes with costs, which have been carefully forecast and planned for. The real story remains that the cost of doing nothing is even higher.

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News 29 January 2016

Housing framework: have your say

The agency responsible for the delivery of the NDIS, the NDIA, is conducting a series of public consultations on pricing and payments for Specialist Disability Accommodation. You can attend a session, beginning next week.

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News 26 January 2016

Top five for five incredible years

Today, as we mark five incredible years since the launch of the Every Australian Counts campaign, we ask supporters to remind Australians why the NDIS is still so important for people with disability, and the nation.

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News 20 January 2016

2016: A big year for the NDIS

If 2015 was a big year for the NDIS and Every Australian Counts, 2016 is promising to be even bigger.

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News 19 January 2016

Calling all bloggers!

We heard some fantastic stories and insights from Every Australian Counts bloggers in 2015. In 2016 we’re looking to grow our blogging community even more.

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News 13 January 2016

Online support and hotline for Carers

A new one-stop shop is up and running for Australia’s 2.7 million carers.

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Opinion 12 January 2016

Is there room at the advocacy table?

It can be hard for parents to take a step back and allow their children to have their own voices. However, when it comes to advocacy, it’s especially important to find the right balance. Here Renee Bugg, parent to Poss who is on the Autistic Spectrum, talks about how they’re meeting the challenge.

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Opinion 22 December 2015

Open letter to SMH – ‘Primary disability sector supports NDIS, point blank’

Disability advocate Tricia Malowney wrote an open letter to Rachel Browne, journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald – in response to a December 7 article called ‘Disability sector has grave concerns about NDIS roll out’ – explaining that people with disability and their families are the primary part of the ‘disability sector’.

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News 21 December 2015

2016 To Do List: Making the NDIS the best it can be

2015 has been a huge year for the NDIS. A new report looks at the year in review and what needs to be done in 2016.

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News 21 December 2015

A new world of accessible books

Australia has just become the twelfth country to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty – and it’s big news for Australians with a vision impairment or print disability.

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News 18 December 2015

Latest NDIS progress report

The latest report on the progress of the NDIS roll out is full of good news: it shows that the number of people with individual plans is steadily rising, the cost of the scheme remains within budget and participants are generally happy with the experience. 

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News 11 December 2015

News just in: SA on board with full NDIS

Breaking news: The South Australian and Commonwealth Governments have this afternoon agreed to the full roll out of the NDIS.

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News 11 December 2015

Tasmanian Minister’s message to EAC

Tasmanian Human Services Minister Jacquie Petrusma has filmed a special message to celebrate the release of roll out plans for in that state.

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News 9 December 2015

Results are in: what you want in 2016

We asked you about your priorities for the Every Australian Counts campaign as we plan ahead for next year. The results are in.

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News 3 December 2015

Great work Tassie!

More than 10,000 Tasmanians will have access to the NDIS, with Tassie the next state to announce full roll out plans – right on International Day of People with Disability.

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