Calling all bloggers!

Over the past 12 months Every Australian Counts bloggers have been one of the strongest voices in the campaign for a full NDIS to transform the lives of people with disability, wherever they live in Australia.
From the funny to the heartbreaking, to blogs with expert insights based on lived experience all our bloggers have made the case for an NDIS that is the best it can be.
They’ve shared their daily lives
From Renee Bugg, who’s shared her journey with daughter Poss, and the challenges they face and overcome living and growing up on the Autism spectrum.
To Anthony Mulholand, who’s fresh take on his journey to independent living was one of our most popular blogs.
And Naomi Fryers, who shared her beautifully written story of living with mental illness as a young mother to show there’s hope and light at the end of what can seem like a very dark tunnel.
They’ve advocated fiercely for the NDIS.
Through their blogs disability advocates such as Dr George Teleporos stepped up the pressure for the full roll out of the NDIS as scheduled so people in all states know when it will come to them.
And they’ve shone the spotlight on important disability issues
Including how to speak to your employer about mental illness, from Anna Spargo-Ryan, the critical importance of advocacy from Ya’el Frisch and the need to start thinking outside the circle under the NDIS by Samantha Connor.
Two of our the busiest bloggers, Thea Calzone and Megan Buntine have shared the real stories of people with disability who will be able to realise their life goals through the choice and control the NDIS will give them.
Stories such as Caring for the Poet, which told the story of Dylan Owen Buoy and his mum Jenny, who are waiting for the NDIS to provide the support and care Dylan needs to realise his dream to live independently.
And our most popular blog of the year My Friend Bradley, which showed how the NDIS has the potential to support people to enjoy a lifestyle that most Australians without disability take for granted.
In 2016 we’re looking to build our blogging community
We want our site to tackle the tough questions, to spur debate and to be fun.
If you have stories, blogs or opinion pieces that
- promote the vision and principles behind the NDIS;
- promote the inclusion and participation of people with disability in the community and economy; and
- ensure our politicians and bureaucrats deliver the best possible NDIS.
We want to hear about it! Get in touch if this is something you might be interested in, there is pay involved.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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