News 7 May 2019

Your questions answered: A chat with Greens spokesperson on Disability Services Senator Jordon Steele-John

Last week we heard from Minister for Families and Social Services Paul Fletcher. This week we hear from Greens spokesperson on Disability Services Jordon Steele-John.

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News 2 May 2019

“We deserve to be heard”: An open letter about the NDIS by Melissa Norman

“My name is Melissa Norman, I am 23 years old and I’m writing this letter to highlight the problems people with disabilities experience on the NDIS.”

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News 24 April 2019

Your questions answered: A chat with the Minister for Families and Social Services Paul Fletcher

Last month we asked you what you most wanted to ask our pollies this federal election.

And we were flooded with questions – more than 200 in fact.

So we took the most common and we headed to Canberra to get some answers.

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News 2 April 2019

Media release: Funding win for Disability Royal Commission – but advocates slam use of NDIS to bolster bottom line

Tonight’s announcement by Treasurer Frydenberg of more than $500 million being set aside for a Royal Commission into the violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation experienced by people with disability, has left disability advocates overjoyed.

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News 28 March 2019

Media release: Disability advocates say NDIS funds must be spent on people with disability

Disability advocates are demanding the Morrison government use unspent money currently tagged for the National Disability Insurance Scheme to fix up the landmark scheme – instead of just returning it to government coffers.

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News 8 March 2019

One step closer …

Today we took one more step on the long road to a Royal Commission.

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News 27 February 2019

Just one last thing …

The Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS met last Monday in Melbourne – and as it turns out for the last time in the life of this Parliament.

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News 21 February 2019

The Proof is in the Portal

We recently posted about the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) quietly releasing their report on assistive technology for NDIS participants in December last year. But that was not the only report they released. On the Friday before Christmas, they released another really important report – looking at how IT for the NDIS was working.

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News 1 February 2019

It’s time to end the blame game

End the blame game, stop letting people with disability fall through the gaps and pull your finger out to ensure action on areas other than the NDIS.

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News 24 January 2019

Why are we waiting?

At the end of last year the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) put out their report looking at what needs to be done to improve access to assistive technology for NDIS participants.

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News 22 January 2019

Get to know the Every Australian Counts Champions: Spotlight on Carleeta

This year we’re going to be shining a spotlight on our hard working Every Australian Counts champions – and we’re starting with Carleeta!

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News 13 December 2018

NSW Government Report says Just.Get.On.With.It.

Last week the New South Wales Legislative Council released the findings of an inquiry they held earlier in the year into how the the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rolling out across NSW.

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News 6 December 2018

Catching up with the NDIA: A chat with CEO Rob De Luca

At every NDIS Make it Work forum we have held around the country, we have been asked about changes people have heard the National Disability Insurance Agency are making to the NDIS planning process.

We have been asked so many questions we thought we had better get some answers. And no, we didn’t call the call centre – because we all know how THAT goes. We went straight to the top to the man who runs the NDIA – Rob De Luca.

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News 3 December 2018

Empowerment, inclusion, and equality on the International Day of People with Disability

“Today Australians should not only take the time to talk about what the disability community has done, but also talk about what needs to be done to ensure a fairer and more inclusive nation.”

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News 13 November 2018

Tried and Tested?

Late last week the National Disability Insurance Agency announced they would be trialling a new assessment process for some people with disability applying for support from the NDIS.

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News 1 November 2018

University of Queensland students join the fight to make the NDIS work

The fight to get the NDIS back on track is spreading far and wide – and last week it hit the campus of the University of Queensland.

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News 25 October 2018

New national guidelines for the diagnosis of autism

Last week, the Co-operative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC) published Australia’s first National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism.

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News 24 September 2018

Get Us Out

Last week the Prime Minister announced the Australian Government would hold a Royal Commission into aged care. The Summer Foundation’s George Taleporos tells us why the Commission must make sure young people get the chance to get the hell out.

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News 21 September 2018

Just Get On With It

Markets, Markets, Markets. We hear a lot about markets when it comes to the NDIS. But without attention to how markets are operating, the choice and control promised by the NDIS will become meaningless.

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News 12 September 2018

Dylan Alcott Wins Sixth Grand Slam, but No One Is Allowed to Watch.

“They told me I had to play on an indoor (court) and spectators weren’t allowed.” Alcott said. Read on to find out more.

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News 23 August 2018

Western and South Western Sydney kick off our Make It Work forums

Our first “Make It Work” forums took place in Sydney a few weeks ago and were a great success. Read on to find out more.

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News 25 July 2018

People With Disability And Technology: Australian Human Rights Commission Panel

The Australian Human Rights Commission held its Human Rights and Technology Conference in Sydney yesterday.

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News 10 July 2018

Happy Fifth Birthday NDIS!

We’ve come so far, but there’s still a long way to go.

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News 26 June 2018

Q&A Disability Special

ABC’s Q&A had their disability special last night and we hope you tuned in! The panel of Dylan Alcott, Kiruna Stamell, Graeme Innes, Bruce Bonyhady and Catia Malaquias were asked lots of good questions by the audience, and the discussion ranged everywhere from how the NDIS is rolling out, to the inclusion of kids with disability in schools, to employment discrimination.

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