News 27 July 2021

Onwards We Go!

There’s been collective sighs of relief in the aftermath of Independent Assessments being ditched. Now, let’s get on with the real business of making the scheme work and the EAC community are 110% focused on what really matters. 

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News 14 July 2021

You did this! NDIS compulsory assessments have officially been dumped

Last Friday, Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds met with each of the state and territory Disability Ministers, to ask them to support her plans for the biggest changes to the NDIS since it started – including compulsory ‘independent’ assessments.

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News 18 June 2021

“Stop independent assessments. Sack the CEO. Sack the Board.” Catch the blistering NDIS speech from disability advocate Kevin Stone

“The NDIA is at risk of turning people with a disability and families, who have been the Scheme’s greatest supporter and most important ally, into a desperate and angry enemy.” Kevin Stone, the highly-regarded intellectual disability advocate has delivered a blistering speech on the NDIS – calling not just for independent assessments to be scrapped – but also for the NDIA CEO and Board to be sacked. Watch the video, read the transcript – or join the fight here.

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News 30 April 2021

Terms of engagement for NDIS Minister Reynolds from the disability community

Disability advocates today delivered new NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds a formal ‘terms of engagement’ in a bid to reset relations between the NDIA and people with disability, their families and community.

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News 20 April 2021

Your chance to speak at NDIS independent assessments hearings

The Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS is currently holding an inquiry into NDIS independent assessments. The committee wants people with disability and families to make 5-10 minute statements at their upcoming hearings. Here’s how you can get involved.

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News 15 April 2021

NDIS compulsory assessments paused – but the fight for the NDIS is far from over

Many thousands of people with disability, family members and supporters have spoken out in recent months about their fear and anger about the planned changes to the NDIS. Today we have SOME good news from the federal government – but there is still a long way to go.

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News 15 April 2021

Joint media statement from disability advocacy organisations on NDIS assessments

We welcome reports that NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds will pause a plan to force people with disability to submit to compulsory assessments to access support, but want to see much more detail about what that means for the future of the NDIS.

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News 30 March 2021

A list of the online news about NDIS compulsory assessements

Your concerns about changes to the NDIS are being heard. On March 11 the disability sector released a joint statement of concern. Since then the media about our community’s concerns hasn’t stopped. It has been hard to keep track of – so we are putting all the links together here to help make it easier.

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News 25 March 2021

Making noise on NDIS compulsory assessments – MPs, Senators and the media

We really made some noise! More than 4,000 of you have spoken out against NDIS compulsory assessments using this website. 100+ organisations have endorsed the Joint sector statement. Our elected representatives are hearing our side of the story. And hundreds of thousands – if not millions of people right across the country have heard our calls through the media. Together our voices are stronger. And together we are making a lot of noise.

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News 11 March 2021

Disability sector statement on the Australian Government’s planned reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

People with disability, their families and the organisations that represent them are all worried about changes the Australian Government wants to make to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

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News 26 February 2021

NDIA announce compulsory assessment contractors three days after closing submissions

More breaking news from the NDIS this morning…

This time about the new compulsory assessments.

The NDIA have just announced the organisations who have been contracted to carry out the assessments when they start later in the year.

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News 25 February 2021

Last minute backflip from NDIS on Support Coordination

Breaking news out of the NDIS this morning …

And it is not good. Not good at all.

Buried in an announcement about the end of some of the changes made to the NDIS as a result of the COVID19 is the news that participants will NO longer be able to buy or top up Support Coordination out of their core budget.

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News 5 February 2021

The politics of distraction…

We’ve all been worried for a while now about what changes were going to be made this year to the legislation that governs the NDIS.

Well yesterday the Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert gave an interview on talkback radio in Sydney – and let slip some of what he has planned.

And in the process pretty much confirmed what we were all so worried about.

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News 18 December 2020

New inquiry into NDIS assessments

The Joint Standing Committee have just announced they will hold an inquiry into the use of independent assessments in the NDIS.

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News 1 December 2020

It’s the end of the dreaded NDIS Access lists

In the last week the NDIA have released a mountain of paper about the planned introduction of compulsory assessments to the NDIS.

We’ve already looked at what the new assessments will mean for planning in the NDIS. Now let’s look at what they will mean for people applying for the scheme for the first time.

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News 25 November 2020

Is this the end of planning in the NDIS?

Today the National Disability Insurance Agency released a mountain of paper about the planned introduction of compulsory assessments to the NDIS.

And tucked away amongst all those pages was some extraordinary news about the future of planning in the NDIS.

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News 23 November 2020

New Coronavirus rules for Victoria

Victoria has the highest numbers of COVID19 infections in Australia. We are collecting all the latest news, info and resources for people with disability and families as it comes out so you don’t have to go hunting. (We have done our best to try and explain what it all means which has NOT been easy…)

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News 18 November 2020

Keeping the NDIS on track

The NDIS Quarterly Reports have always had lots of interesting data on how the scheme is tracking. They allow people with disability, their families, organisations, even governments (shock horror) to get a better idea of where the scheme is working well – and where it is not.

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News 18 November 2020

Coronavirus changes in South Australia

South Australia has gone into 6-day a “hard lockdown” starting on Thursday November 19. We’ve popped all the info people with disability and families need to know right here – and we will keep updating as new info comes out.

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News 30 October 2020

More questions than answers – NDIA and NDIS Commission grilled at Senate Estimates

Budget estimates time. For political nerds it’s a little bit of heaven. Full scrutiny of government with a little bit of argy-bargy or Oscar-worthy theatrics thrown in for comic relief.

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News 29 October 2020

Putting NDIS assessments to the test

More information about the introduction of compulsory assessments for all new and existing NDIS participants has been released over the last few weeks.

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News 8 October 2020

So what did the Federal Budget reveal about the NDIS?

In the middle of a global pandemic and with the country facing the worst economic crisis in more than a generation, the NDIS was never going to be a headline feature of this year’s Federal Budget.

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News 29 September 2020

Every Australian Counts goes to the NDIS Joint Standing Committee

Well – talks to them by phone anyway.

Our Campaign Director Kirsten Deane gave evidence today at the NDIS Joint Standing Committee’s inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

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News 18 September 2020

Keeping people with disability safe during COVID

Yesterday the National Disability Insurance Agency, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and the Department of Social Services all appeared before the Senate inquiry into the government’s management of the COVID19 pandemic.

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