Research and Reports 19 April 2016

Economic Benefits of the NDIS in Queensland

National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to Queensland.

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News 18 April 2016

Your selfie gallery a work of art

Hundreds of Every Australian Counts supporters have picked up their cameras and smart phones to let Treasurer Scott Morrison know they’re expecting the NDIS to be fully funded at the 3 May Federal Budget.

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News 13 April 2016

Banknote bumps

Check out the new tactile $5 banknotes that will come into circulation from September.

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News 1 April 2016

Send the Treasurer a sign

Help make the NDIS a budget priority. The Federal Election is just around the corner and Every Australian Counts supporters are stepping up the pressure to make sure the NDIS is fully funded.

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News 30 March 2016

An NDIS in my lifetime

Dr Paul Brock AM, 2/11/1943 – 25/3/2016. We remember Dr Paul Brock AM, one of Australia’s leading disability advocates and Every Australian Counts Ambassador.

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News 30 March 2016

100 days to go!

We passed a huge milestone last week – 100 days until the full roll out of the NDIS begins across Australia. Exciting times, but there’s a lot of work still do to make sure everyone’s NDIS ready.

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News 18 March 2016

Explainer: Who’s funding the NDIS?

There’s a lot of commentary out there and it can be confusing to make sense of what the NDIS means in dollar terms. We hear you! Here’s an explainer of the money involved: how much it is, where it comes from and how it compares with current spending on disability programs.

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News 17 March 2016

Queensland agreement signed!

News just in: Commonwealth and Queensland governments have agreed to the full roll out of the NDIS in Queensland, starting from July.

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Research and Reports 16 March 2016

Economic Benefits of the NDIS in South Australia

National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to South Australia.

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News 16 March 2016

The NDIS by numbers: South Australia

NDIS number crunching continues, with new figures showing the scale of the economic benefits it could potentially bring to South Australia.

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News 10 March 2016

No disadvantage for West Australians with disability

The West Australian and Commonwealth governments must ensure no disadvantage for West Australians with disability should they go ahead with a federated model of the NDIS as speculated in The Australian newspaper.

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News 7 March 2016

NDIS: Here to stay

More headlines today about the cost of the NDIS and quibbling about who’s in charge. Here’s a guide to who has said what today, and why.

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News 7 March 2016

NDIS dollars make sense for Victoria

The NDIS will not only transform lives for people with disability but it will also deliver an economic boost for all Victorians – creating thousands of jobs and adding billions to the state’s economy.

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Research and Reports 7 March 2016

Economic Benefits of the NDIS in Victoria

National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to Victoria.

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News 26 February 2016

EXPLAINER: why everyone’s talking about autism and the NDIS

You might have noticed that talk of children with autism and the NDIS is everywhere today – including some pretty angry commentary. Here’s a look at what’s happened and why people are concerned.

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News 23 February 2016

NDIS on track

The National Disability Scheme continues to be on time and on Budget according to the latest quarterly report on its progress.

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News 23 February 2016

Jobs, jobs, jobs!

The NDIS is expected to create thousands of new jobs in NSW alone and there’s evidence they are already being created.

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News 16 February 2016

Calls being heard for the re-introduction of a Disability Commissioner

The resignation of Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson this week has reignited the call for a full-time disability commissioner with lived experience of disability.

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News 15 February 2016

NDIS: Makes Economic Sense

The NDIS will create thousands of jobs and add up to $7.3billion to NSW’s economy alone according to new report released today – results of the biggest ABS survey of people with disability and their carers ever undertaken.

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News 12 February 2016

The NDIS is rock solid

Another week, another story about funding and the NDIS. So it’s great news to see strong support from the NSW Disability Minister in our national newspaper and a promise from the Commonwealth that it will be rolled out on time.

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News 2 February 2016

Lego’s wheelchair figure a ‘toy like me’

Lego has just improved the toy box options for the 150 million children with a disability worldwide by launching its first ever toy figure in a wheelchair.

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News 29 January 2016

What’s the Budget fuss?

This week a major national newspaper led with an “exclusive” story about the costs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a curious story given there is nothing new in it. It’s no secret that the NDIS comes with costs, which have been carefully forecast and planned for. The real story remains that the cost of doing nothing is even higher.

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News 29 January 2016

Housing framework: have your say

The agency responsible for the delivery of the NDIS, the NDIA, is conducting a series of public consultations on pricing and payments for Specialist Disability Accommodation. You can attend a session, beginning next week.

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News 26 January 2016

Top five for five incredible years

Today, as we mark five incredible years since the launch of the Every Australian Counts campaign, we ask supporters to remind Australians why the NDIS is still so important for people with disability, and the nation.

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