100 days to go!

From July, the NDIS will begin rolling out beyond trial sites right across Australia.
All states have different roll out timetables, which means that not everyone eligible for the NDIS will have access to it straight away.
Find out when the NDIS is coming to you in NSW and Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland. People eligible in the ACT are already transitioning.
But Every Australian Counts Campaign Director John Della Bosca says it’s not just 100 days until the roll out begins for thousands and thousands of Australians, it’s 100 days until a world of opportunity is opened up for people with disability.
“The campaign for the NDIS launched on Australia day in 2011 to right a generation of wrongs.
Australia’s disability system was broken, underfunded and had failed people with disability and their families.
The NDIS will change everything. It will mean that people with disability will receive the supports they need when they need them. It will transform the lives of people with disability and support their families.
The opportunities that come with the NDIS will provide people with disability access to our community, paid employment uninhibited by a lack of supports and equipment.
“It’s not just 100 days until the NDIS starts to roll out, it’s 100 days until a world of opportunity is opened up to people with disability and their families.”
John Della Bosca, EAC Campaign Director
The 100 day milestone has been celebrated across Australia.
In NSW Disability Minister John Ajaka marked the milestone by announcing $5 million in funding to help providers transition to the NDIS. Here’s his media release.
In Victoria, Disability Minister Martin Foley celebrated the event at a community day. Here’s his media release.
And in Tasmania, Premier Will Hodgman and Minister for Human Services Jacquie Petrusma, opened a hangout space for young people with disability to highlight the focus of the NDIS on inclusiveness. Here’s what they said.
However, there’s still work to do to make sure the NDIS is as good as it can be.
The NDIA and the state and Commonwealth governments need to work hard to make sure both people with disability and providers have the information they need to transition to the NDIS.
We need to hold governments to their promise that the NDIS will be fully funded.
And after state and Commonwealth governments signed an agreement for the full roll out of the NDIS in Queensland earlier this month, we still need Western Australia and the Northern Territory to let people with disability in those states know when the NDIS is coming to them.
Let’s make the next 100 days count!
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