Opinion 6 January 2015

Being of service or being a service?

My motivation to create a more inclusive Australia is highly personal. I have been transformed by love and by my brother’s experiences in a disabling world.

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News 23 December 2014

Hit the road … or the skies … or the island!

Floating at dawn in a hot air balloon, front row seats at a zoo safari tour, an elevated viewing tower at the Phillip Island penguin parade; three top outdoor attractions when visiting Melbourne. But wait, there’s more – they’re all accessible.

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Opinion 23 December 2014

Waising Miss Chloe

Nestled in the outer Eastern suburbs of Melbourne is a light and leafy abode, the home of Sue and Chloe Dymond. They welcome me quite literally with open arms, and having followed their life journey in Sue’s book ‘Waising Miss Chloe’, I was only too comfortable with this.

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News 22 December 2014

Why the NDIS makes economic sense

The NDIS is not just about improving the lives of people with disability; it is also clearly a win for the Australian economy.

Here’s how.

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News 18 December 2014

The NDIS: See It Through

Two years ago, the law that would eventually establish the National Disability Insurance Scheme was introduced into the parliament.

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News 17 December 2014

Molly and Jane: Play, bike riding and swimming – it’s all in the plan

A few months ago Jane Paardekooper hadn’t even heard of the NDIS.

Now she marvels at the change in her young daughter Molly as she runs from activity to activity under the watchful eyes of skilled therapists.

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News 15 December 2014

NDIS full rollout timetable on track

The timetable for the full rollout of the NDIS will be released in six months time.

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Opinion 15 December 2014

Disability in Australia: Unfinished Business

Our investment in the NDIS is a landmark achievement. However Australia requires deep cultural, structural, economic, legal and attitudinal change if we are to deliver on the reform agenda outlined by the Productivity Commission for disability in this country.

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News 12 December 2014

Call for a comprehensive blueprint for the NDIS rollout ahead of today’s minsters meeting

“If I could sit in the room with the disability ministers today, I have one message for them. We need to know it’s coming, we need to know when it’s coming so we can plan. We need you to see it through.”

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News 9 December 2014

Action calls for a national rollout strategy

While there are some incredible stories of transformation rolling in from the trail sites, the fact is that most people are still waiting for the NDIS.

At last count almost 9,000 people had approved NDIS plans so that leaves a good 450,000 people to go.

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News 8 December 2014

Every Australian Counts transforms

Today we are excited to launch the next phase in the Every Australian Counts campaign. You told us you’d like to hear more from people in the NDIS trial sites. You told us you’d like to know more about exactly how the NDIS works on a practical level. And you told us you wanted us to keep up the pressure to make sure the NDIS rolls out on time and on budget.

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News 8 December 2014

Vale Stella Young

Every Australian Counts mourns the loss of Stella Young, a passionate feminist, comic, writer and disability rights campaigner who died on the weekend at the young age of 32.

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News 3 December 2014

NDIS – Where are we at? September 2014

More than 8,800 people with disability are now living their lives with an approved NDIS plan out of almost 11,000 people eligible for the scheme.

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Opinion 3 December 2014

Changing Attitudes Changes Lives

I roared out of the garage of Sydney University, and the College of Law, a shiny new lawyer. My social justice engine, fuelled by its knowledge of unfair dismissals and unconscionable contracts, was ready to drive people from the back roads of disadvantage onto the freeway of life.

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Opinion 3 December 2014

Work and the invisible disabling disease

Most of us have an idea in our heads of what ‘disabled’ looks like. It’s a very clear picture, and it usually involves wheel chairs or other visible devices.

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Opinion 3 December 2014

The starers, the nosy, the plain rude

If you’ve ever been to a grocery story with a toddler, it’s likely it’s happened to you.

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News 2 December 2014

Minister Fifield reaffirms commitment to rolling out the NDIS in full.

Yesterday, Minister Fifield spoke about the NDIA’s Quarterly Report in Parliament. Importantly he reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to rolling out the NDIS in full.

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News 1 December 2014

Lynn Foreman – a view from the beginning

She was there when it was just a dream, she was there when there was a tough campaign to be won, and now she’s here as a deserving beneficiary as it all kicks off. Meet Lynn Foreman, spritely 50-something, mother, grandmother, great grandmother (yep!) and NDIS user at the trial site in the Barwon (Geelong) area.

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News 23 November 2014

Meet the monster truck of wheelchairs

Computer science lecturer David Stratton sits there beaming with a grin so wide you’d swear his face will just about crack in half. He’s on a large flat granite slab atop a peak called Mt Bishop in Victoria’s exquisite Wilsons Promontory National Park.

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News 20 November 2014

The one thing all Australians with disability REALLY need

We all need love and care and support and dignity and a hundred other things, right? Including the right to vote.

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News 17 November 2014

Opening address to the National Carer Conference 2014 – Assistant Minister for Social Services, Mitch Fifield

The Assistant Minister for Social Services, Mitch Fifield, delivered the opening address to this years National Carer Conference on Nov 16, 2014.

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Opinion 17 November 2014

Carers Role Becomes Clearer

Nearly 18 months on from the launch of the NDIS trial sites many of the initial concerns of carers and those associations which represent them are being addressed.

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News 10 November 2014

10 reasons we need the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a ground-breaking change to the way disability services are funded and delivered. Here are ten ways the NDIS will benefit all Australians.

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News 9 November 2014

Inclusive Playgrounds: Everyone’s a player

Play is not just for fun. It’s also for learning, problem solving, motor skills and socialising. But it’s also fun just to play!

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