News 6 June 2017

Breaking: NDIA vows to “get it right”

The NDIA today provided an update on what it’s doing to make it easier for people with disability, their families, carers and disability service providers to navigate the NDIS.

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News 31 May 2017

Tell us why you need the NDIS fully funded, every day

There is a heap of argy bargy going on in Canberra right now over how to fully fund the NDIS. It’s time to remind decision makers why it’s so important.

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News 31 May 2017

See you Andrew!

It’s time to say goodbye to one of Every Australian Counts number one campaigners and supporters Andrew Gibson.

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Opinion 29 May 2017

Exciting and challenging times…

Over the past 2 ½ years I have spoken with thousands of people with disability, their families and carers, advocates and support workers sharing information, knowledge and experience about all things NDIS. These discussions have highlighted issues, anxieties, problems and frustrations but also options, possibilities, developments and opportunities for the future. I have loved my role as Community Educator for the Every Australian Counts campaign; it is something I feel very proud and privileged to have been a part of and these are exciting and challenging times.

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News 12 May 2017

#Budget2017: NDIS update

The good news is this week both major parties have argued for fully funding the NDIS. The bad news is they aren’t agreeing on how. Here’s a run down.

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News 10 May 2017

#Budget2017: the reaction

While not everyone agreed that a funding gap existed, there’s been overwhelming support so far for the Government’s plans to fully fund the NDIS through an increase in the Medicare Levy. Here’s a snap shot of the responses.

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News 9 May 2017

A fully funded NDIS: certainty for every Australian

Treasurer Scott Morrison tonight confirmed the government will fully fund the NDIS beyond 2019.

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Opinion 9 May 2017

Is NDIS really as scary as people say it is?

If you have a child with a disability and never have been eligible for financial assistance before, the NDIS is like the answer to your dreams. To be able to write a plan with no limits, no thinking about the cost, no thinking where will I get the money from. I can tell you this was a dream we would have never thought possible.

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News 8 May 2017

NDIS Report Card – results highlight areas of concern

The results are in and we can now release the first NDIS community report card, based on feedback from more than 2,100 Every Australian Counts supporters.

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News 18 April 2017

The Commissioner releases his Top 6

Making sure the NDIS is rolled out fairly and equitably with direct input from people with disability is a priority for our Disability Commissioner Alastair McEwen over the next five years.

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Opinion 12 April 2017

Ben’s Travels; buses and beyond…

I belong to a group on Facebook. It’s called “NDIS Grassroots Discussion”, and it’s a place where nearly 30,000 people share their NDIS stories – their fears, wrongs, questions, anger and sometimes, their NDIS joys.

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News 12 April 2017

Explainer – unlocking the SDA rule

What is the new Specialist Disability Accommodation Rule and what does it mean for people with disability under the NDIS?

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News 4 April 2017

Meet Julia. She’s amazing

In the first cast change in over a decade, Julia, a 4-year-old girl with Autism, will soon permanently join the Muppets cast, tackling a growing playground problem for many Australian kids.

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News 3 April 2017

Beach days for all Australians

Pressure is growing on coastal councils to make beaches more accessible for everyone, including wheelchair users.

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News 23 March 2017

Community collaboration is key

The NDIS is for all Australians with disability – no matter their cultural background or where they live. But these factors can present unique opportunities and challenges when it comes to NDIS service provision, so it’s important to have a plan in place.

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News 16 March 2017

David Bowen to step down as CEO

The Every Australian Counts campaign director today thanked National Disability Insurance Agency CEO David Bowen for his substantial contribution to improving the lives of people with disability throughout his career.

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News 13 March 2017

Make a submission to the NDIS Review

With the review into NDIS costs happening now and the Federal Budget coming up in May, we need to remind our decision makers and the Productivity Commission that while dollars are important, people count too.

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Opinion 8 March 2017

Siblings and the NDIS

The NDIS is a new way of supporting people with disability. Whilst it aims to provide greater choice and control regarding services for participants it also recognises the important role of ‘informal supports’.

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News 7 March 2017

WA releases evaluation report

The WA Government has released the long awaited evaluation report comparing the WA NDIS and NDIS models – a month after announcing it would go ahead with a state based model nationally consistent with other states and territories.

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News 1 March 2017

NDIS Review – 5 things to know

The Productivity Commission has released an Issues Paper as the first step in its review of NDIS costs.

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News 22 February 2017

We’re all in agreement about fully funding the NDIS

Disability discrimination commissioners past and present came together this week in a compelling interview supporting the NDIS.

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News 21 February 2017

Vale Tim Walton

Every Australian Counts is sad to learn of the passing of Tim Walton – former CEO of AFFORD and an important figure in the development of the Every Australian Counts campaign.

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Opinion 14 February 2017

Tea for two – our journeys

My sister Meredith and I are friends. We meet at least twice a week to drink tea and catch up. We work on arts projects together and belong to a peer organisation where Meredith is a member of the group I facilitate called the Freedom Fighters.

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News 14 February 2017

Childcare linked to NDIS funding? An explainer

The Turnbull Government yesterday announced they’d dedicate another $3billion to the NDIS but it’s not quite as simple as that. Here’s what has been happening in Canberra over the last 24 hours.

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