News 9 May 2018

South Australians with disability and their families demand action after delay announcement

South Australian people with disability and their families demand action following today’s announcement by the government and NDIA that there will be significant delays to the rollout of the NDIS in South Australia.

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Opinion 4 May 2018

Disability advocates alarmed as the NDIA breaks its silence on disability housing

You may have missed it last week with all the fuss about the government’s decision to walk away from the increase to the Medicare Levy to fund the NDIS, but the National Disability Insurance Agency finally broke its silence on the future direction of disability housing in the NDIS.

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News 1 May 2018

Disability Reform Council – Project Plans and Working Groups

There’s a lot happening at the moment, so you may have missed yesterday’s announcement from the Disability Reform Council.

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News 30 April 2018

Australians want certainty for the NDIS

Everyone wants certainty on funding for the NDIS.

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News 27 April 2018

What the Minister for Social Services says…

We know everyone has lots of questions about the news this week that the Government has decided to scrap its plans to fund the NDIS through an increase to the Medicare Levy.

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News 23 April 2018

Leaving us hanging on the line?

The National Disability Insurance Agency will contract multinational Serco to run the NDIS call centre

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Opinion 9 April 2018

The AAT and why what they say is important

Many people don’t know where to turn when they have a problem with the NDIS. Sam Paior from The Growing Space explains what happens when an NDIS review goes the next step – to the AAT – and why we should all be paying close attention to why those AAT decisions are so important.

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News 28 March 2018

Fund it and Fix it hits Canberra

The word is out in the halls of Parliament – we need to fund and fix the NDIS.

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News 12 March 2018

AMA’s urgent call to fully fund the NDIS welcomed by disability campaigners

The Every Australian Counts community welcomes demand by the Australian Medical Association for bipartisan support for a fully funded NDIS via a 0.5% increase to the Medicare levy.

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News 7 March 2018

Rest in Peace Kai

The Every Australian Counts community has been rocked by the very sad news this week that we have lost one of our earliest and most passionate NDIS Champions.

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News 2 March 2018

Review of NDIS Prices – What Does it all mean for People with Disability?

For the last six months or so, a consulting company has been carrying out a review into the prices set for services funded through the NDIS.

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Opinion 1 March 2018

25 years on – the Disability Discrimination Act

Disability Discrimination Commissioner Alastair McEwin talks about the Disability Discrimination Act (the DDA) today, on it’s 20th anniversary

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News 1 March 2018

Interview: Shadow Minister Jenny Macklin

Every Australian Counts Campaign Director Kirsten Deane took your questions about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and disability to Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services Jenny Macklin.

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News 13 December 2017

Welcome WA!

Fantastic news today from Western Australia – the National Disability Insurance Scheme is finally a truly national scheme.

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News 28 November 2017

Announcing the Every Australian Counts Champions!

The Every Australian Counts Champions will represent our vibrant and diverse community when meeting members of parliament, community leaders, and the media. On behalf of all of us,

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Opinion 22 November 2017

Don’t screen out our humanity

The idea of screening genetic conditions has become part and parcel of having children for many Australian couples. The recent push by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute for

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News 20 November 2017

Interview: Senator Jordon Steele John

Every Australian Counts campaign director Kirsten Deane had a chat to new senator and disability advocate Jordon Steele-John.

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News 16 November 2017

Beating a Path to … Melbourne

You may remember last month the National Disability Insurance Agency announced that they were making some changes to the NDIS planning process.

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News 6 November 2017

What you thought of the Productivity Commission’s recommendations

Last week we asked you to share your thoughts about how to make the planning experience better for NDIS participants.

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Opinion 28 October 2017

Choice and Control Under Threat: Victoria must listen to people with disability and stay true to the principles of the NDIS

Choice and control is one of the fundamental principles of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. We must be vigilant to ensure that this important principle is not lost in the rollout.

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News 24 October 2017

So What Did the PC Say About the NDIS?

The Productivity Commission report into the NDIS is very detailed – it’s more than 500 pages long!

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News 19 October 2017

EAC Supporters Say NO Way – NO Delay

The Productivity Commission has released its report into the National Disability Insurance Scheme this morning.

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News 17 October 2017

Making the NDIS More User Friendly

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) announced this morning they are making some changes to the NDIS to try and make the scheme more user friendly.

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News 21 September 2017

Thanks John!

After seven years, Every Australian Counts Campaign Director John Della Bosca is moving on to new adventures.

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