Opinion 4 November 2021

Australia should invest in the NDIS to help the economy after COVID

Emma Dawson, head of independent think tank Per Capita has had a good look at the numbers behind the NDIS – and the Federal Government’s cost-blowout scare campaign. While people with disability and families are all aware of how valuable the NDIS is when it’s working well, Emma also found that for every dollar invested in the NDIS, $2.25 is returned to the Australian economy. The NDIS is a good investment. Here’s why…

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News 16 August 2021

Why the Federal Government’s story about NDIS funding differences doesn’t add up

New data about NDIS costs has been released by Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds and the NDIA in the last week or so. Here’s our quick analysis on what the Federal Government is getting wrong in its story about well-off people with disability in the cities getting more funding than people in rural and regional areas.

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News 18 November 2020

Keeping the NDIS on track

The NDIS Quarterly Reports have always had lots of interesting data on how the scheme is tracking. They allow people with disability, their families, organisations, even governments (shock horror) to get a better idea of where the scheme is working well – and where it is not.

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News 3 August 2020

Getting answers to the big questions – our Zoom forum with the NDIA

Why can’t we have planning meetings over video? Why can’t we get contact details for staff at the NDIA? Why do approvals for equipment take so long?

And will you cut my funding next time because I did not use all of it as a result of COVID lockdowns?

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News 13 May 2020

Data, data, data everywhere. But what does it all mean?

So the National Disability Insurance Agency released the latest NDIS Quarterly Report this week. If you have never checked out the Quarterly Report we encourage you to do so – it’s a great way of finding out how the NDIS is tracking and there’s lots of juicy stuff in there.

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News 31 July 2019

NDIA releases data (finally!)

The NDIA has released new and detailed data about how participants and their families are faring under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

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