News 9 September 2020

NDIS Independent Assessment rejected by AAT

You have spent the last week telling us about your concerns about the introduction of independent assessments.

Turns out you are not alone. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal shares them.

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News 9 September 2020

Testing times in the NDIS…

Just over a week ago the Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert announced the government’s response to the Tune review.

It was a good news/bad news kind of a thing.

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News 28 August 2020

Big NDIS changes are coming – Government and NDIS response to the Tune Review

Some breaking news this morning …

The Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert has released the government’s response to the Tune review.

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News 22 August 2020

Coronavirus changes in Queensland

Changes have been announced for people with disability in some parts of Queensland about masks and PPE, supported accommodation, and new rules. We’ve popped all the info people with disability and families need to know right here – and we will keep updating as new info comes out.

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News 20 August 2020

Every Australian Counts heads to the Disability Royal Commission

“We feel forgotten. We need help. And we need things to be much, much easier”.

They were the messages we took to the Disability Royal Commission yesterday.

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News 19 August 2020

“Left out and locked down” The experiences of people with disability and their families during COVID19

“We’ve been forgotten. We need more help. We need things to be easier”. They are the overwhelming messages to come out of our Coronavirus survey for people with disability and families.

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News 19 August 2020

Media release: “Left out and locked down” report highlights the COVID-19 experience of people with disability

A new report into the experiences of NDIS participants and their families during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic shows many were stretched to breaking point and let down by poor communication and a lack of support and help.

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News 11 August 2020

Get your mask on!

There’s been a bunch of new info released over the last couple of months around masks and people with disability. We’ve popped it all in the one place so you don’t have to go hunting. (And we have done our best to try and explain what it all means which has NOT been easy…)

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News 3 August 2020

Getting answers to the big questions – our Zoom forum with the NDIA

Why can’t we have planning meetings over video? Why can’t we get contact details for staff at the NDIA? Why do approvals for equipment take so long?

And will you cut my funding next time because I did not use all of it as a result of COVID lockdowns?

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News 3 August 2020

Advocacy groups call for better support for people with disability

Disability advocacy groups are calling on the National Disability Insurance Agency, the Federal government and the Victorian State government to all work together to make sure people with disability and their families have what they need to stay safe and well during the coronavirus pandemic.

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News 29 July 2020

Get out your butcher’s paper and sticky notes – it’s consultation time!

Who remembers this?

The National Disability Strategy was a ten-year plan that came out in 2010.

It was the first time all levels of Australian governments had come together to make a plan like this for ALL people with disability, ALL over Australia.

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News 21 July 2020

Open letter from disability sector on the publication of NDIS settlement outcomes

Would you love to see the results of NDIS appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) but don’t have the time or spoons to wade through pages and pages of legal goobledegook?

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News 13 July 2020

Big coronavirus changes – and what it means for Victorians

For all our Melbourne peeps, our hearts go out to you. Another six weeks in lockdown. And we are with you – because that is where we are based too.

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News 26 June 2020

New inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

The Joint Standing Committee into the NDIS are holding an inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Have your say about what needs to change.

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News 26 June 2020

Get your calculators out – it’s the new NDIS price guide

The final price guide for 2020 came out today.

Well … sort of the final. At least until the next update comes out.

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News 9 June 2020

Liz and John get a gong!

Amongst all the sports stars and former Prime Ministers who got a gong yesterday there were a couple of names that you might have missed…

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News 3 June 2020

NDIS prices – the good, the bad and the ugly

The NDIA released the new price guide for 2020 today. The good news is that the NDIA have got this guide out much earlier than usual. This means we all have a chance to dig around in it and get a handle on everything before it actually goes live on July 1.

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News 28 May 2020

What’s going on with the Disability Royal Commission during COVID-19?

The utterly heartbreaking stories about people with disability that have come out over the last few weeks prove just how important it is that we have a Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
And although the Commission has put public hearings on hold during the pandemic, they still need to hear from our community.
Here’s what they want to hear about right now, and how you can get involved.

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News 19 May 2020

Flexibility and the NDIS – it’s finally starting to happen

It was easy to miss it with everything that is going on at the moment. But late last week the NDIA made a small but incredibly important announcement.

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News 18 May 2020

Statement: Tragic death of Anne-Marie Smith: People with disability deserve answers

People with disability and their families are demanding a full investigation into the horrific and tragic death of Anne-Marie Smith.

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News 14 May 2020

Keep kicking at the bricks …

Yesterday the Joint Standing Committee into the NDIS released a report into Supported Independent Living (or SIL for short). And once again the committee made a bunch of practical and sensible recommendations which would really make a difference to people with disability and their families.

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News 13 May 2020

Data, data, data everywhere. But what does it all mean?

So the National Disability Insurance Agency released the latest NDIS Quarterly Report this week. If you have never checked out the Quarterly Report we encourage you to do so – it’s a great way of finding out how the NDIS is tracking and there’s lots of juicy stuff in there.

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News 30 April 2020

NDIS: What’s working and what’s not? We want to hear from you

The National Disability Insurance Agency have introduced lots of changes in the last few weeks to try and help people with disability and their families get through this difficult period. We want to know what’s working and what’s not – and what still needs to change.

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News 27 April 2020

One small step for the NDIS … one giant leap for participants

Today the Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert and the National Disability Insurance Agency made a bunch of announcements about changes to the NDIS.

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