Get out your butcher’s paper and sticky notes – it’s consultation time!

The strategy outlined the actions governments would take to build more inclusive communities, and make sure people with disability had the same opportunities as others in the Australian community.
Importantly it also set out what actions the government will take to make sure it lives up to its responsibilities under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The NDIS was just ONE part of the strategy.
And while the goals and outcomes contained in its pages are great, it has been let down by a lack of attention, lack of action, and a lack of funding.
In fact far from meeting goals, the Productivity Commission found that in many areas things had actually gone backwards for people with disability.
And now it is about to expire.
You might remember there were some community consultations last year?
Today the Federal Government has announced they are starting Stage 2 of the consultations.
They want to talk to people with disability and their families about what should happen with the next National Disability Strategy.
There is a new Position Paper which outlines what people said in the first lot of consultations last year.
It says the strategy should cover issues relating to:
1. Work, money and housing
2. Taking part in the community
3. Our rights for fair treatment and safety
4. Getting support
5. Learning and skills
6. Health and wellbeing
👉 You can find the Position Paper here
👉 You can find out how to make a submission here
There is a guided questionnaire online (with Auslan videos in the survey), and an Easy Read version. You can also provide feedback in other ways – like in writing, audio or video.
The National Disability Strategy is absolutely essential for every person with a disability in this country – not just those who are eligible for the NDIS.
It’s important we all have our say about what we want to see in the strategy – but this time we want more than words on a page.
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