News 19 January 2015

10,000 in – 450,000 to go

In a significant milestone for the NDIS, the National Disability Insurance Agency’s CEO, David Bowen, has confirmed that more than 10,000 people with disability now have an approved NDIS plan.

That’s a sizeable number of people in trial sites across the country that are now more in control of their own care and supports and are well on the way to living a life of their choosing.

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News 13 January 2015

7 issues we can’t afford to let slip

2015 is going to be a big year for the roll out of the NDIS. There are a number of important decisions that the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the governments will need to make before the full roll out commences. The State of the Sector report that was released by NDS lists their seven top issues that need to be addressed this year. Here are the issues that National Disability Services (NDS) wants action on.  

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News 12 January 2015

Ally blossoms under the NDIS

It’s the simple things. Simple, everyday things like going out to the mall and ordering a hot chocolate and paying for it with her own EFTPOS card. Simple things like using a mobile phone and texting. Simple things like dressing the way she wants to dress.

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News 8 January 2015

Leigh – a voice for the voiceless

Leigh has Down Syndrome and works as a peer mentor. His work gives a voice to people with disabilities, especially people with Down Syndrome.

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In The Media 4 January 2015

NDIS funding: Cry of blackmail at move to slash welfare

When a teary Julia Gillard introduced legislation to fund the cost of the national disability insurance scheme in 2013, it was hailed as a great example of bipartisanship, warmly embraced by all sides of politics and the public.

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In The Media 3 January 2015

Government running costs to reach record high as disability expenses mount

The Abbott government will become the most expensive to run on record, despite its catchphrase policy of “smaller government” and an austerity drive that will shed more than 16,500 public sector jobs.

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In The Media 24 December 2014

Scott Morrison needs to realise the Disability Support Pension actually saves money and lives

Scott Morrison, the new Minister for Social Security says that “getting as many Australians as are able off welfare and into work will be one of my core goals.”

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News 23 December 2014

Hit the road … or the skies … or the island!

Floating at dawn in a hot air balloon, front row seats at a zoo safari tour, an elevated viewing tower at the Phillip Island penguin parade; three top outdoor attractions when visiting Melbourne. But wait, there’s more – they’re all accessible.

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News 22 December 2014

Why the NDIS makes economic sense

The NDIS is not just about improving the lives of people with disability; it is also clearly a win for the Australian economy.

Here’s how.

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News 18 December 2014

The NDIS: See It Through

Two years ago, the law that would eventually establish the National Disability Insurance Scheme was introduced into the parliament.

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News 17 December 2014

Molly and Jane: Play, bike riding and swimming – it’s all in the plan

A few months ago Jane Paardekooper hadn’t even heard of the NDIS.

Now she marvels at the change in her young daughter Molly as she runs from activity to activity under the watchful eyes of skilled therapists.

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In The Media 16 December 2014

Four lessons the NDIS must heed to avoid a ‘pink batts’ disaster

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is revolutionising the provision of services to Australians with disabilities.

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News 15 December 2014

NDIS full rollout timetable on track

The timetable for the full rollout of the NDIS will be released in six months time.

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In The Media 15 December 2014

NDIS trial model should be reviewed

South Australia’s Dignity for Disability MP Kelly Vincent is urging the Federal Government to review aspects of the South Australian trial.

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News 9 December 2014

Action calls for a national rollout strategy

While there are some incredible stories of transformation rolling in from the trail sites, the fact is that most people are still waiting for the NDIS.

At last count almost 9,000 people had approved NDIS plans so that leaves a good 450,000 people to go.

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In The Media 9 December 2014

17 things Stella Young wanted you to know

Stella Young, who has died at the age of 32, was a passionate, provocative and funny activist for disabled people.

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In The Media 9 December 2014

NDIS: Senator Fifield warns states

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to revolutionise disability services and, in theory, allow families to be in charge of what they need.

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In The Media 9 December 2014

Concerns housing not adequate in NDIS rollout

As the National Disability Scheme (NDIS) rolls out in trial sites around the country concerns are growing that one crucial element has been overlooked.

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In The Media 9 December 2014

Disability services axed as providers jump the gun on NDIS

An urgent investigation into the loss of disability services amid the slow development of a national insurance scheme needs to take place as reports emerge of people losing support years before they will be covered by the new program.

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In The Media 8 December 2014

Dear Stella Young, the world has lost its fizz without you, love Benjamin Law

Occasionally, when you make a new friend, you fall so stupidly and hopelessly in love with them, it’s all you can do to prevent yourself from exclaiming to their face, “I love you! And although we’ve only just met, let’s be friends forever”.

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In The Media 8 December 2014

Ombudsman launches inquiry into disability abuse

Victoria’s Ombudsman has launched a major inquiry into the handling of abuse allegations in the disability sector.

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In The Media 8 December 2014

NDIS ‘up against it to meet deadline’

The first ever survey of organisations in the disability sector, released by National Disability Services today, paints a picture of an industry willing to adapt for the future but without any clear indication of what lies ahead.

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News 8 December 2014

Every Australian Counts transforms

Today we are excited to launch the next phase in the Every Australian Counts campaign. You told us you’d like to hear more from people in the NDIS trial sites. You told us you’d like to know more about exactly how the NDIS works on a practical level. And you told us you wanted us to keep up the pressure to make sure the NDIS rolls out on time and on budget.

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News 8 December 2014

Vale Stella Young

Every Australian Counts mourns the loss of Stella Young, a passionate feminist, comic, writer and disability rights campaigner who died on the weekend at the young age of 32.

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