News 28 April 2015

NDIS roll out: the low down from the latest ministers meeting

Housing, NDIS roll out arrangements and NDIS workforce needs were all on the agenda at the latest meeting of ministers responsible for the NDIS roll out.

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Research and Reports 27 April 2015

Improving recognition of carers’ skills

The Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) commissioned the Improving Recognition of Carers’ Skills Literature Review in 2014, which focused on recognising:

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Research and Reports 27 April 2015

Supported Decision-Making for People with Cognitive Impairments: An Australian Perspective?

A research paper on Australian and overseas law reform and policy initiatives to tackle challenges posed by special programs.

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News 27 April 2015

Willing to Work

A national enquiry is underway into employment opportunities for people with a disability.

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In The Media 24 April 2015

Nobody will miss out on NDIS, govt says

The Abbott government has tried to allay concerns some children in South Australia could miss out on the national disability insurance scheme.

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In The Media 24 April 2015

New housing trials under NDIS

A trial of new housing options for people with a disability has been given the go-ahead amid calls for the government to tackle an accommodation “crisis”.

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In The Media 24 April 2015

New housing trials under NDIS

STATE and territory disability ministers on Friday ordered officials to work with the agency in charge of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on a pilot to develop

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In The Media 24 April 2015

The disability housing crisis that could leave 120,000 people without a home

MORE than 120,000 people with a disability are facing homelessness in the next five years even though there is $700 million a year available to build them homes.

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In The Media 24 April 2015

NDIS delays proving costly for SA families and disability service providers

Delays in the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) have left families and service providers in South Australia thousands of dollars out of pocket.

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News 24 April 2015

Hey Ministers: how will you respond?

Today all the state and territory disability ministers are meeting to talk about the implementation of the NDIS and housing is on the agenda. They have in their

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In The Media 20 April 2015

Push to vet disability workers

People applying for jobs in the disability sector would have to pass pre-employment checks under proposed new laws to protect people with disabilities from abuse and neglect.

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News 20 April 2015

A great video for carers

Preparing for the NDIS can be a daunting prospect for carers, many who are unsure about how they fit into the planning process. This fantastic video The NDIS and You from Carer’s Queensland explains in simple graphics how the NDIS planning process works and the role of carers along the way.

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News 20 April 2015

Important reminder: Have your say in building the NDIS

There are just less than two weeks left to share your thoughts on how we can help the NDIS put in place clear rules that will make sure people receive supports and services that are high in quality and safe – wherever they live in Australia.

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In The Media 18 April 2015

Disabled students forced into home education by bullies, says Disability Education Lobby

MANY students with disabilities are being home schooled because of bullying in schools, an advocate group says.

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In The Media 16 April 2015

New resources to aid disability workers

ACT disability workers have been given new resources to help them better understand how the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will impact on their work.

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News 9 April 2015

Northcott launches subsidiary dedicated to innovation

Not-for-profit disability service provider Northcott has launched a new subsidiary named Northcott Innovation. Described as a “radical new organisation,” the subsidiary will be dedicated to co-creating creative and unexpected solutions to support people with disability.

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News 7 April 2015

Home sweet home. Or not

Every Australian Counts supporters are desperate for action on housing for people with disability. Hundreds of responses have been pouring in to our call for housing stories and ideas. Here is just a small sample.

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In The Media 2 April 2015

Assistant Minister Mitch Fifield radio interview on Radio National

KARVELAS: Let’s go to the NDIS now, which is really firmly in your patch – you’re in charge of that Scheme. 

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News 30 March 2015

This game is not evil, it’s awesome

There’s a new mobile game called “Extreme Wheelchairing”, which you can find for free on the App store, or Google Play.

This is a game where you manoeuvre around 20 different levels of a virtual landscape avoiding all sorts of obstacles and so on. It’s much like dozens of other videos game most of us have played at one time or another.

But with one difference.

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In The Media 30 March 2015

Rob Pyne becomes the first quadriplegic elected to parliament in Australia

A far north Queensland man has become the first quadriplegic Member of Parliament anywhere in Australia. Rob Pyne was sworn into state parliament this week after winning the seat

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In The Media 27 March 2015

Blindfolded Canberrans take the lead to raise awareness of disability support and the NDIS

A dog leash or white stick in hand can transform the life of a blind or vision-impaired person. Some Canberrans got a small taste of just how life-changing

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In The Media 24 March 2015

Premier Mike Baird has promised to roll out the NDIS a year early if his government is re-elected

The NDIS will be rolled out in western Sydney a year ahead of schedule, Premier Mike Baird announced today.

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In The Media 23 March 2015

Defining disability: Will the NDIS support all disabled Australians who need care?

The announcement that the NDIS is going to roll out in the Blue Mountains and Penrith is welcome, but many questions remain about the future of disability services

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News 23 March 2015

NDIS game changer

On the weekend the NSW Premier Mike Baird promised to roll out early intervention services under the NDIS for up to 2,000 young people with disability in Penrith and the Blue Mountains from September this year if he is re-elected. 

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