News 3 August 2015

8 brilliant new accessibility inventions

Every wondered what smart glasses could look like or how you could make your computer entirely hands free?

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News 28 July 2015

NDIS focus for major desert festival

Held from 31 July – 5 August 2015 in Tennant Creek, the Annual Desert Harmony Festival is an action packed celebration of community, music, food and art, which this year celebrates disability and the NDIS.

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News 24 July 2015

Every Australian has a right to work

Access to jobs is one of the most important human rights issues people with disability face according to a national survey by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

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News 21 July 2015

#goaussies: Australian Special Olympians head to LA

Good luck to Australia’s Special Olympics team heading off to Los Angeles this week for the World Summer Games.

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News 16 July 2015

Exciting times ahead: lessons from the NDIS trial sites

It’s two years since the National Disability Scheme (NDIS) trial site started in the Hunter and a year after it kicked off in the ACT, so we spoke to one of the large disability providers in both trial sites to find out how they think it’s going and what they’ve learned so far.

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News 16 July 2015

Why are there still access issues at my train station?

A five-year review of the accessibility of Australia’s public transport networks found that 10 years after the first disability transport standards were first introduced, there’s still plenty more to do.

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News 14 July 2015

Queensland announces early launch of NDIS

The Queensland Government has announced $1.9 million for “the early launch of a National Disability Insurance Scheme”.

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News 10 July 2015

Disability Rights and Every Australian Counts Campaign inspires an exhibition

Disability Leader Katharine Annear of South Australia, one of 12 disability leaders represented in the Grassroots Democracy: the Campaign for Disability Rights Exhibition.

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Opinion 8 July 2015

We are worth the investment

“I say the ‘I’ in NDIS should stand for ‘investment’. We are worth the investment. To move forward we need people to believe in us, to back us up, and create opportunities. When people have confidence in us then we start to believe in ourselves. We need to change the words to change the thinking.” A quote by Michael Sullivan, from an article by Julia May, Sunday Age, 15 February 2015.

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News 7 July 2015

Sam, Hayden and Ben star in WallaraTV

On Monday, 13 July a new television show made by young people with disability at Dandenong based service provider Wallara will screen on Channel 31. It’s an exciting new way of sharing the stories of people with disability and for the people behind the new channel, it’s only the beginning. Every Australian Counts spoke to Wallara’s Digital Communications Manager, Jay Pinkster to find out more.

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Research and Reports 6 July 2015

Action needed for young people with disability in aged care

A senate inquiry into young people with disability living in residential aged care has called for urgent action from governments at all levels to address the issue.

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News 6 July 2015

A massive week for NDIS

In the last week we have seen the roll out of the NDIS in western Sydney, an extension of the trial in WA and most other trial sites marking significant milestones. Best of all, more than 13,600 people are now in the Scheme and express high levels of satisfaction with how it is transforming their lives.

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Opinion 3 July 2015

Two year anniversary marks the dawn of reform

This week, two years ago we celebrated the dawn of a reform that finally provides opportunities to people with disability to be included in every part of community life. It was a day in which we as a nation made a statement that we would accept people with disability, Australians that we had so long ostracised and denied. On July 1 2013, the National Disability Insurance Scheme first came to life.

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News 1 July 2015

NDIS: Sydney says ‘bring it on!’

Today, the NDIS opened its doors in Western Sydney as NSW commenced the full rollout of the NDIS. Thousands of people came together to celebrate at the Every Australia Counts kick off event.

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In The Media 1 July 2015

2000 children set to benefit from NDIS in the Nepean and Blue Mountains region

Debbie Rolfe has fought “tooth and nail” for every crumb of support for her two children, who have both been diagnosed with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder.

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In The Media 1 July 2015

Still work to do’ on first anniversary of NDIS rollout in the ACT

ACT residents who transitioned to the National Disability Insurance Scheme in its first year are less satisfied than many of their interstate counterparts and the number of eligible participants continues to exceed expectations, the latest report shows.

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News 1 July 2015

Watch here as NDIS Kicks Off from 10.30 am today

The Every Australian Counts NDIS Kick Off event kicks off at 10.30am today and you can be part of the action by watching it live, commenting on the live streaming or jumping onto Twitter with #NDISkicksoff.

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News 29 June 2015

Have your say on who speaks up for you

The Government is updating the National Disability Advocacy Framework in light of the NDIS and want people with disability to help. But what is it all about?

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News 26 June 2015

Tools for making the most of the NDIS

A new online program has just been launched by the good folk at My Choice Matters which aims to give people with disability and their families all the tools they need to prepare for the changes coming under the NDIS.

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News 23 June 2015

Crowd cheers for NDIS kick off event

Over 800 people have registered to attend the Every Australian Counts kick off event so it’s pretty fortunate the team booked a big venue! Register now if you want to be a part of the fun and learn more about the NDIS.

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News 19 June 2015

Changing attitudes about disability employment changes lives

Disability employment does seem to be firmly on the national agenda, with both the Human Rights Commission and the Federal Government looking into how we can get more people with disability that want to work, into jobs. The Commission has also just produced a new guide to help employers understand their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act.

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Research and Reports 19 June 2015

New report: who’s using the NDA?

An estimated 321,531 people used disability support services under the National Disability Agreement (NDA) in 2013-14 — a 9% increase since 2009–10, and a 3% increase since 2012–13, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

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News 18 June 2015

Bam! Big Bang Theory’s star response to the autism question

When asked the inevitable question about whether the Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper is autistic, actress Mayim Bailik’s answer floored the audience.

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News 16 June 2015

Top seven tips for cashing in on the disability traveller

There’s no reason all Australians shouldn’t be able to live the dream and travel – whether it be on safari in Africa, or interstate to see a sporting event. While it can sometimes be more logistically challenging for people with disability, there are simple ways the travel industry can help.

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