News 20 June 2024

EAC Community Forum: The Latest on the NDIS Bill and How to Be Heard

A lot has happened since our last community forum on the NDIS Bill, so we are hosting another forum to give you an update. This forum will give

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News 30 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Calls on Parliament to Protect the NDIS

Media Release As Parliament debates proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) today, Every Australian Counts implores all parliamentarians to ensure the voices and rights of

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News 27 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Submission into the ‘Getting the NDIS Back on Track’ Bill 2024

Written submissions into the Standing Committee on Community Affairs, about the Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill 2024 recently closed.  Every Australian Counts developed a submission to

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News 6 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Upcoming Community Forum on the Changes to the NDIS Act

The biggest changes to our NDIS ever are currently being considered by our parliament. So please join our online community forum this Saturday, May 11 to understand more

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News 7 April 2024

Media Release: NDIS Participants and Families Slam the NDIS Review Recommendations, Survey Shows

Results of a recent survey by the grassroots campaign for the NDIS, Every Australian Counts have revealed serious concerns with the recommendations put forward by the NDIS Review.

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News 25 March 2024

A New Taskforce to stop NDIS Providers Overcharging

Dr George Taleporos, Independent Chair of Every Australian Counts welcomes the government’s announcement to crack down on NDIS Providers overcharging participants through their newly announced taskforce. This initiative,

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News 25 March 2024

Every Australian Counts: Upcoming Forum and Invitation to Influence our Next Steps

In the spirit of collective action and shared vision, Every Australian Counts is extending an invitation to an important online forum scheduled for the 8th of April at

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News 7 December 2023

Response to NDIS Review – Choice and control are under threat – the government must recommit to codesign

It’s been an extremely stressful time for our community waiting for these recommendations, our lives depend on the NDIS.

While we have had some glimpses of some of the findings, today is our first opportunity to examine the recommendations of the NDIS Review.

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News 4 December 2023

This Week is Going to Be Huge

This is one of the most important weeks ever for our community.

State and territory Premiers will be meeting with the Prime Minister on Wednesday to decide on the future of the NDIS.

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News 2 November 2023

Big Changes Revealed by the NDIS Review – But any Changes Must Be Codesigned

BREAKING NEWS! BIG CHANGES REVEALED in this exclusive interview with NDIS Review co-chairs Bruce and Lisa. Read on to find out more.

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News 9 October 2023

What does the Royal Commission say about the NDIS?

On Friday 29th September the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was presented to Parliament. Over 12 volumes, there are 222 recommendations of ways to promote an inclusive society that supports the independence and rights of people with disability. We want to thank everyone who contributed to the Royal Commission over the last 4 and a half years.

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News 27 September 2023

Every Australian Counts Codesign Work with NDIA

The Commonwealth Government has announced funding for improving NDIS processes, and the NDIA has committed to codesigning these improvements with the disability sector.

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News 7 September 2023

The latest from the NDIS Review

On Wednesday 6th September a NDIS Review community meeting was held in Geelong. They also talked about the next steps of the Review and the recommendations the Panel will make to the Government about how to improve the NDIS. Here is a summary of what they said in case you missed it…

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News 13 November 2022

In case you missed it: EAC and the NDIS Review’s online Q&A

The big new independent NDIS Review was announced in October – ahead of schedule, and with a bunch of familiar faces on board. So we got in really quick – and with some help from their Canberra team we worked out how to get you (or your questions and messages) in the same virtual room as them. You can catch the video and transcript right here…

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News 8 November 2022

Are the NDIA and their external lawyers being ‘model litigants’? Are they on their best behaviour with you at the AAT?

If people with disability don’t get what they need from the NDIS they might have to take their case against the NDIA to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). The NDIA and their external lawyers are meant to follow ‘model litigant obligations’ – which are rules about being really decent and fair. If they don’t, there can be a big power imbalance, which is really unfair for people with disability. We want the NDIA to act like model litigants each and every time – but we need your help to make sure it really happens…

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News 13 October 2022

What’s happening with NDIS AAT appeals? Recap: online forum with NDIS Minister Bill Shorten and NDIA Chief Counsel Matthew Swainson

Did you catch our live forum about NDIS AAT appeals with NDIS Minister Bill Shorten and NDIA Chief Counsel Matthew Swainson? You can find a quick summary, as well as the video recordings and the transcript right here.

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News 26 September 2022

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten’s announcement on the new NDIA CEO, Board Chair and Board Members

Today Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten has announced five new people who will all play important roles in running the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – a new CEO, a new Board Chair, and three new Board Members. They start on Monday, October 17, 2022. Find the details from the announcement right here…

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News 18 May 2022

An open letter to all members of Australia’s next Federal Parliament

More than 50 disability advocacy organisations representing millions of Australians are urging the next Federal Parliament to reverse the “death by a thousand cuts” that is devastating the lives of people with disability and undermining the NDIS. In the Open Letter to Australia’s Future Parliament released today, the disability advocacy and support organisations are calling on future MPs to back key reforms that will ensure no one with disability who needs support is left behind. Read and sign the open letter here.

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News 6 May 2022

Vale Wendy Lovelace and Matt McCracken

The Every Australian Counts community is greatly saddened by the recent passing of two passionate inclusion and disability advocates, Matt McCracken and Wendy Lovelace.

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News 10 March 2022

Which NDIS recommendations has the Federal Government actually delivered on?

How many? Which ones? Why? We know a lot of those recommendations were made because of you. You have made thousands of submissions via us – and directly to the inquiries over the years. So how many of the recommended changes were actually made? What has been ignored and forgotten? Thanks to a new tool from our friends at Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), it’s easier than ever to find out…

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News 25 November 2021

Every Australian Counts website blocked from Federal Parliament wifi

Several people have reported getting “access denied” when trying to visit the Every Australian Counts website on Parliament House wifi today.

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News 29 October 2021

Vaccinating people with disability against COVID-19

People with disability are at much bigger risk of getting very sick or dying from COVID-19. But getting a vaccine has been really hard for lots of people in our community, and vaccination rates are still too low. So we have been asking people with disability, families and the people who support them to tell us about their vaccine experiences, so we can tell the government what they can do to make it easier. Here’s what we have heard so far…

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News 25 October 2021

Inquiries into NDIS, Independent Assessments, and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission have been released by the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS

A huge report on NDIS independent assessments has just been released. Here’s our very quick summary of what the Joint Standing Committee said they heard, and what they recommend the Federal Government and NDIA should do next.

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News 16 August 2021

Why the Federal Government’s story about NDIS funding differences doesn’t add up

New data about NDIS costs has been released by Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds and the NDIA in the last week or so. Here’s our quick analysis on what the Federal Government is getting wrong in its story about well-off people with disability in the cities getting more funding than people in rural and regional areas.

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