EAC Community Forum: The Latest on the NDIS Bill and How to Be Heard
A lot has happened since our last community forum on the NDIS Bill, so we are hosting another forum to give you an update. This forum will give you the latest news about the NDIS Bill, and what you can do to have your voice heard.
This forum will be held on Friday the 28th of June, from 12pm-1:30pm Melbourne time. It will be held on zoom. The forum will be recorded, and shared via our newsletter. If you can’t attend, please make sure that you are signed up for our newsletter. You can do that here
We will have a special guest speaker – Naomi Anderson, the Principal Lawyer at Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service. Naomi will fill us in on what’s been happening, what will happen next, and the different things that you can do to make sure that you’re a part of the discussion around the legislation.
Interactive Q&A and Open Discussion
Following Naomi’s presentation, there will be a Q&A session. This is your opportunity to ask questions and share what you’ve been doing to have your voice heard.
You will also have an opportunity to have your say on what you think of the bill and what you want to happen next.
Registration Details
Please note that registration is required to attend this forum. You can register here. A link to the forum will be sent to you the day before and on the day of the event. Please check your spam folder to make sure you have the Zoom link.
If you are unable to attend, but want to watch the recording at a later date, we ask that you do not register. The recording will be shared through our newsletter, which you can sign up for here. If that doesn’t work, you can email to ask to be put on our mailing list.
Accessibility and Contact Information
We are committed to ensuring that everyone can participate in this forum. An Auslan interpreter and live captioning will be available. If you have any other access needs, please email as soon as possible.
Please join us in making sure the NDIS delivers on its promise to people with disability.
Go deep into the NDIS Bill
Want to learn more before coming to the forum? On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, I chat with disability law experts Mitchell Skipsey, and Dr. Darren O’Donovan to understand the changes to the NDIS Act.
We explore the reasons for the changes, and how the various changes may impact on NDIS participants. Check it out by clicking on the link here or below.
We were able to sit down with Greens Senator Jordan Steele-John to discuss his concerns with the NDIS Bill. You can watch it below, or click the link here
Check out what we’ve been saying
We’ve been sharing a lot of information on our social media about the legislation. Please go have a look at our instagram or facebook to stay up to date.
We know that many people in our community are worried about the proposed changes to our NDIS. Please remember that we are in this together. We are a strong community with a loud voice. We will do everything that we can to protect our NDIS and the key principles of choice and control for people with disability.
Take care everyone and please reach out for support if you need it. The number for Lifeline is 13 11 14.
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