News 30 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Calls on Parliament to Protect the NDIS

Media Release As Parliament debates proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) today, Every Australian Counts implores all parliamentarians to ensure the voices and rights of

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News 7 April 2024

Media Release: NDIS Participants and Families Slam the NDIS Review Recommendations, Survey Shows

Results of a recent survey by the grassroots campaign for the NDIS, Every Australian Counts have revealed serious concerns with the recommendations put forward by the NDIS Review.

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News 19 April 2022

Media release: Labor and Greens have committed to fixing the NDIS – Morrison Government must detail its plans now

Media release, 19 April 2022: The Every Australian Counts campaign has today called on the Morrison Government to explain its plans for the future of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), following the welcome release of NDIS policies from Labor and the Greens.

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News 3 May 2019

Media release: Disability Advocates Welcome Labor’s 10-Point Plan to Get NDIS Back on Track

Disability advocates today welcomed Labor’s 10-point plan to get the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) back on track.

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News 2 May 2019

Media release: Coalition Announce Plan to Support People with Disability – But No Word on NDIS Underspend

The Morrison Government today released their plan to support Australians with disability, including renewed commitment to rolling out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and initiatives to increase the employment of people with disability.

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News 25 May 2016

NDIS roll out still going strong

The latest progress report on the NDIS is out and it shows that almost 25,000 Australians now have approved plans in place – that’s just over 2,500 new participants since December.

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News 12 December 2014

Call for a comprehensive blueprint for the NDIS rollout ahead of today’s minsters meeting

“If I could sit in the room with the disability ministers today, I have one message for them. We need to know it’s coming, we need to know when it’s coming so we can plan. We need you to see it through.”

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News 9 July 2014

Community rejects delay to NDIS

The media is reporting that National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Chairman Bruce Bonyhady will use today’s Press Club speech to justify a delay to the NDIS roll out.

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News 1 May 2014

Every Australian Counts resists attack on NDIS

Every Australian Counts supporters reacted angrily today to media reports that the federal government may take a recommendation to COAG that will delay and apply funding caps to participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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News 29 March 2014

Groundhog day – NDIS costs old news

A report today in The Australian rehashes previously released figures on the ‘cost blowout’ in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Every Australian Counts Campaign Director, John Della Bosca, said: “Today’s report is old news; I remember addressing the media on these exact figures in November last year.

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News 20 March 2014

NDIA review no excuse to deny people with disability a better future

A review released today raises doubts about the timeline currently in place to roll out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

John Della Bosca, Every Australian Counts Campaign Director said: “I hope this report is not used by some commentators to argue delaying the NDIS. The scheme is already taking over seven years to rollout.

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News 18 December 2013

NDIS is investment in Australians

The Every Australian Counts campaign for the NDIS welcomes the statement from Minister Fifield this afternoon that: “The Coalition is committed to delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme in full.”

John Della Bosca, Every Australian Counts Campaign Director, said: “We can all assume that every Australian expects the NDIS to run efficiently and at the lowest cost to taxpayers. Every Australian also expects our parliament to deliver the NDIS in full as promised.

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