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Changes to NDIS planning, access, reasonable and necessary, appeals and the way your NDIS plan is funded are all about to change with the introduction of compulsory assessments and other changes in new NDIS legislation.

These tick-a-box assessments will determine who gets support from the NDIS – and how much support they get.

These are the biggest changes to the NDIS since the scheme began. And they are being rushed in despite the concerns of people with disability and their families and the organisations that support them.

But this fight is far from over

The government is planning to change the NDIS Act to make these assessments compulsory for all new and existing NDIS participants. Other changes to the legislation aim to limit ‘reasonable and necessary’, remove the ability to appeal your funding amount, and more.

The legislation will hit the Parliament very soon.

The federal government cannot get their proposed changes through parliament if key Members of Parliament and Senators vote against their legislation.

So we need every single Senator and Member of Parliament to hear from people with disability and their families about why they are so concerned.

And stop it before it goes any further.

What you can do

It doesn’t matter how much or how little you can do – every little bit counts. Here are some ways you can take action with help on our website:

1. Email your crossbench Senators (for people in Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia)

2. Email your federal MP

3. Visit your federal MP – in a COVID safe way

4. Email the Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds

4. Send in your Hands off the NDIS photo

5. Organisations can endorse the disability sector Joint Statement on NDIS reforms

We know how much everyone has on their plate at the moment. So we have done as much of the work for you as we can.

We have set up all the details of all the federal MPs and key crossbench Senators with emails all ready to go.

These changes will be introduced very soon. So NOW is the time to take action and speak out.

This is our NDIS. We fought for it. And we won’t stop fighting until it works the way it should.

NDIS assessment explainers

Get breakdowns of all of the big announcements and changes from the government and NDIA as they come out. Check out all the NDIS assessment explainers in the news hub.


Guide to meeting with your MP

Five easy steps to meeting your MP

PDF – 8 pages, 2MB

Text only Word doc – 4 pages, 21kb

NDIS assessments explained

A cheat sheet about NDIS assessments.

You can leave this behind with your MP.

PDF – 6 pages, 700kb

Text only Word doc – 3 pages, 18kb

List of MPs and Senators

The Parliament website has a list of every MP with their contact details. You can download the list as a PDF or HTML.

Get MP and Senator details from the Parliament website

Take action now!


EAC Community Forum: The Latest on the NDIS Bill and How to Be Heard

A lot has happened since our last community forum on the NDIS Bill, so we are hosting another forum to give you an update. This forum will give

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Every Australian Counts Calls on Parliament to Protect the NDIS

Media Release As Parliament debates proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) today, Every Australian Counts implores all parliamentarians to ensure the voices and rights of

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Every Australian Counts Submission into the ‘Getting the NDIS Back on Track’ Bill 2024

Written submissions into the Standing Committee on Community Affairs, about the Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill 2024 recently closed.  Every Australian Counts developed a submission to

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