FAQs 10 November 2014

So how is the NDIS different?

Because it’s about YOU. It’s about a new way of talking with and listening to you to work out the kinds of supports you need to live your

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FAQs 10 November 2014

Let’s start at the beginning. What is the NDIS?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a new way of supporting people with a permanent and significant disability through giving them access to individualised funding,

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News 10 November 2014

10 reasons we need the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a ground-breaking change to the way disability services are funded and delivered. Here are ten ways the NDIS will benefit all Australians.

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Research and Reports 10 November 2014

16 things you’ve already told us about the NDIS

Back in August, we surveyed Every Australian Counts supporters about the NDIS.
They were either people with a disability, one of their family members, or a carer.

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News 9 November 2014

Inclusive Playgrounds: Everyone’s a player

Play is not just for fun. It’s also for learning, problem solving, motor skills and socialising. But it’s also fun just to play!

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In The Media 6 November 2014

Canberra children next in line for NDIS rollout

Canberra children under four with autism or a developmental delay can now move to the National Disability Insurance Scheme as the ACT government prepares to shift school-based services to community providers.

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In The Media 5 November 2014

Blind woman Gisele Mesnage sues Coles over online shopping website

Coles is facing a landmark claim following an allegation the supermarket giant’s website does not provide adequately for visually impaired shoppers.

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In The Media 4 November 2014

Disability campaigner Glenn Keys named ACT Australian of the Year

ACT Australian of the Year Glenn Keys says we need to shed our “paternalistic” attitude to people with an intellectual disability and start helping them achieve greater goals.

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In The Media 3 November 2014

Disability groups go to UN over Australia’s forced sterilisation practice

The forced sterilisation of people with disability and the nonconsensual genital “normalisation” of intersex babies and children in Australia are being brought to the United Nations torture committee.

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Research and Reports 30 October 2014

NDIA annual report 2013 – 2014

The NDIA (the agency responsible for building the NDIS) has released its first annual report. Some key stats: 7316 plans for people with disability $34,600 average package costs

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In The Media 29 October 2014

National Disability Insurance Agency ‘saves’ money by not spending

The National Disability Insurance Agency underspent its budget by $18 million in the 2013-14 financial year, driving savings by reducing formal support in favour of “informal support” provided by family and community members.

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In The Media 29 October 2014

Bill to protect disabled people from abuse is introduced into SA Parliament

A bill to protect disabled people from abuse from support workers or service providers has been introduced into South Australian Parliament by Attorney-General John Rau.

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Research and Reports 29 October 2014

What needs to change for NDIS is to make a difference?

Coming hot on the heels of the Productivity Commission report in 2011 was more news confirming the unacceptability of quality of life for Australians with disability

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In The Media 28 October 2014

Canberra disability providers named for NDIS transition

The ACT Government has named six private providers to take over early intervention services for children with a disability or developmental delays.

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Research and Reports 28 October 2014

Where did the NDIS come from?

The NDIS model was devised and recommended by the Productivity Commission in July 2011.

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In The Media 24 October 2014

Margarita, with a Straw: ‘The sexuality of the disabled excited me as a film-maker’

In London years ago, Shonali Bose was inspired to make a movie when her cousin, who has cerebral palsy, told her she wanted sex for her birthday.

The film, Margarita with a Straw premieres at the Brisbane Asia Pacific Film Festival on 14 December.

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In The Media 22 October 2014

ACT community providers ‘ready’ to take over early intervention disability services

The ACT Government has confirmed private providers will be announced within a week to handle early intervention programs for children with autism and developmental delays.

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In The Media 14 October 2014

This little girl has just received a new hand – in her favourite colours

A little girl from Scotland who was born with no fingers on her left hand has become the first child in the UK to have a prosthetic hand made using a 3D printer.

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In The Media 13 October 2014

NDIS overlooks needs of carers, says report

The National Disability Insurance Scheme needs to be amended to recognise the needs of carers, a new report has recommended.

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In The Media 1 October 2014

Harry’s life changes for better thanks to the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Harry Bolch’s life has been changed forever by the NDIS. Practical renovations to the family’s house and a new specialised wheelchair have given him much needed mobility.

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In The Media 26 September 2014

Researchers examining housing choices for people with a disability

Researchers from the University of New South Wales are conducting a study into the best housing choices for Hunter people involved in the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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News 9 July 2014

Community rejects delay to NDIS

The media is reporting that National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Chairman Bruce Bonyhady will use today’s Press Club speech to justify a delay to the NDIS roll out.

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News 14 May 2014

NDIS safe in Commonwealth Budget

In his first budget Prime Minister Tony Abbott has committed to deliver the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in full.

With this budget, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has become the custodian of the NDIS. He has given the NDIS the stamp of approval and committed to every Australian to roll it out in full.

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News 1 May 2014

Every Australian Counts resists attack on NDIS

Every Australian Counts supporters reacted angrily today to media reports that the federal government may take a recommendation to COAG that will delay and apply funding caps to participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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