In The Media 5 December 2014

Freedom with a home of their own

Like many children, the Prince siblings couldn’t wait to move out from their parents’ home in the NSW Hunter region.

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Research and Reports 5 December 2014

NDIS September 2014 progress report

The latest results are in from the NDIS trial sites and the news is good.

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Research and Reports 4 December 2014

Carers and the NDIS: read all about it

If there was a group of Australians who contribute $40 million in unpaid labour to the economy you might expect to see national recognition for their selfless contributions.

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News 3 December 2014

NDIS – Where are we at? September 2014

More than 8,800 people with disability are now living their lives with an approved NDIS plan out of almost 11,000 people eligible for the scheme.

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In The Media 2 December 2014

Aboriginal people still waiting for disability service

Most Indigenous people who have received a funding package under the national disability insurance scheme trial in the Northern Territory are still waiting for services almost six months after their plans were approved.

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News 2 December 2014

Minister Fifield reaffirms commitment to rolling out the NDIS in full.

Yesterday, Minister Fifield spoke about the NDIA’s Quarterly Report in Parliament. Importantly he reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to rolling out the NDIS in full.

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News 1 December 2014

Lynn Foreman – a view from the beginning

She was there when it was just a dream, she was there when there was a tough campaign to be won, and now she’s here as a deserving beneficiary as it all kicks off. Meet Lynn Foreman, spritely 50-something, mother, grandmother, great grandmother (yep!) and NDIS user at the trial site in the Barwon (Geelong) area.

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Research and Reports 1 December 2014

The one thing all Australians with disabilities REALLY need

In a country such as ours, we sometimes don’t think about rights until they are violated, or we can’t express them. Like our right to have a say in the way our country is run – our democratic right to vote.

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In The Media 1 December 2014

NDIS annual payout gives ability to manage the future

BREE Fitzpatrick has turned herself into a small businesswoman with a difference. She is just one of just 2 per cent of people who manage for themselves a significant annual payout from the national disability insurance scheme for her son Connor.

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In The Media 26 November 2014

Adelaide fashion show aims to change views on people with disabilities

I’m Beautiful – Why Not? was the title of a recent first-of-its-kind fashion parade for South Australian women with disabilities.

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In The Media 26 November 2014

Local therapists in regional towns best to help residents with disabilities

A study into the challenges for people with disabilities in NSW’s western region has found local residents need to be involved in delivering services.

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In The Media 25 November 2014

New SA disability centre for children opens as NDIS increases demand

South Australia’s largest disability organisation for children has opened a new therapy centre to cope with the increasing demand for its services.

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In The Media 24 November 2014

Lack of funding may force Australia researchers to drop their promising work on a bionic eye.

Australian bionic eye researchers fear a lack of funding will force them to drop one of the most promising research projects in their quest to restore vision to the blind.

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News 23 November 2014

Meet the monster truck of wheelchairs

Computer science lecturer David Stratton sits there beaming with a grin so wide you’d swear his face will just about crack in half. He’s on a large flat granite slab atop a peak called Mt Bishop in Victoria’s exquisite Wilsons Promontory National Park.

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News 20 November 2014

The one thing all Australians with disability REALLY need

We all need love and care and support and dignity and a hundred other things, right? Including the right to vote.

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News 17 November 2014

Opening address to the National Carer Conference 2014 – Assistant Minister for Social Services, Mitch Fifield

The Assistant Minister for Social Services, Mitch Fifield, delivered the opening address to this years National Carer Conference on Nov 16, 2014.

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FAQs 12 November 2014

Will the NDIS affect my Centrelink payments?

Payments from the NDIS for approved reasonable and necessary supports are not considered income by the Australia Taxation Office and are exempt from tax. These payments are also

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In The Media 11 November 2014

Off-air with Triple J journalist Nas Campanella

Anyone who’s listened to Triple J will be familiar with the authoritative tones of newsreader Nas Campanella. What few people will be aware of, however, is that Campanella is blind.

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FAQs 10 November 2014

Who is eligible for the NDIS?

You have to be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or hold a Protected Special Category Visa and be under 65 years old when you apply to the

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FAQs 10 November 2014

Is there any limit to the funding available for my plan?

The level of funding in your plan depends on what it takes to meet your ‘reasonable and necessary’ support needs. People are funded on an annual basis under

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FAQs 10 November 2014

How specific can I be when I sit down with a planner?

You decide what you do, what you need and who supports you to do it. Think about what you want before you start the process and come equipped

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FAQs 10 November 2014

Looks like I’m eligible. What next?

If you are eligible for supports, the Agency will assist you to get ready for your plan. You will be contacted by the Agency or one of their

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FAQs 10 November 2014

So when does the NDIS start?

The NDIS has been running in trial sites around the country since 2013 and the full roll out started from July 1st 2016. Western Australia has two trial

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FAQs 10 November 2014

Will we be able to choose the type of support we receive?

Absolutely. This is what the NDIS is all about. It was established to give you more choice and control over how, when and where your supports are provided.

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