In The Media 24 August 2015

Disability backlash over NDIS delay

DISABILITY advocates are warning they will unleash a major campaign against the Abbott government if the national disability insurance scheme is delayed.

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In The Media 24 August 2015

Cabinet functioning ‘exceptionally well’, says leaked document

The political row over cabinet leaks entered the realm of low farce on Wednesday when briefing notes – telling ministers to respond to questions about cabinet processes by saying they were “functioning exceptionally well” – were leaked.

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In The Media 24 August 2015

Disability Sector Demands PM End NDIS Speculation

Disability advocates are calling on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to confirm that the Government will deliver the National Disability Insurance Scheme on time and in full, following claims of a leaked debate within Cabinet.

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In The Media 24 August 2015

Providing a great service

WITH the Hunter trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) well underway, the Minister for Disability Services and Ageing John Ajaka spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting potential providers in the region.

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In The Media 24 August 2015

The national disability scheme: waiting on an ironclad commitment

Even as the Abbott government has appeared to rock from political crisis to flag waving national security events, there has been a successful but quiet revolution under way in the role of government that has gone largely unnoticed by most of the community.

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In The Media 24 August 2015

Govt concedes NDIS could be delayed

Labor has accused the federal government of trying to “crab walk” away from the national disability insurance scheme after it conceded there could be delays in the delivery of the scheme.

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In The Media 24 August 2015

Labor wants Liberals to commit to NDIS scheme

OPPOSITION Leader Bill Shorten has challenged the Abbott Government to properly roll out the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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In The Media 17 August 2015

Aspiring Australian model Madeline Stuart makes history

Guess who is modelling for New York fashion week in September?
At just 18-year-old, Madeline Stuart couldn’t contain her excitment about walking the catwalk at one of fashion’s biggest events of the year.

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In The Media 7 August 2015

Empowering those with disabilities

Disability discrimination is increasingly a major public concern.
A new clinical subject within the Melbourne Law School now aims to remove some of the prejudices affecting people with disabilities.

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In The Media 7 August 2015

Call made for disability workers to undergo vulnerable people checks

Disability workers should undergo working with vulnerable people checks before they can be employed in the sector, a parliamentary inquiry has recommended.

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In The Media 3 August 2015

Stop, go back, the NDIS board shake-up is going the wrong way

Assistant Social Services Minister Mitch Fifield recently announced plans to replace existing members of the board charged with delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), who have a lived experience of disability or experience in disability services, with senior corporate executives.

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In The Media 30 July 2015

Big hopes NDIS will deliver jobs and services to Aboriginal people in remote areas

Everyone in Menindee, in far western New South Wales, knows Ricky Newman.

Each morning Mr Newman cruises the streets of the town in his electric wheelchair, keeping an eye on things and saying g’day to his neighbours.

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In The Media 28 July 2015

Autism explosion leaves NDIS in disorder

As rates of autism diagnoses soar around the world, the tale of two Australian families struggling to pay for expensive early-intervention therapies for their children — one by themselves, the other through government — ¬underscores the divisive cost.

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In The Media 27 July 2015

Plan to remake NDIA board unsound

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is the biggest social reform since Medicare, and the Palaszczuk government is committed to a successful rollout in Queensland.

The federal government is putting all of this at risk, with their proposed changes to the board for the National Disability Insurance Agency and by withholding the states’ fair access to Medicare Levy funds.

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In The Media 27 July 2015

NDIS: autism rates blow out in SA, likely to be same nationally

Children with autism-spectrum disorders have flooded the trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in South Australia and make up almost half of all participants, contributing to a blowout in the numbers which would be replicate¬d across the country when the full scheme launches.

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In The Media 27 July 2015

Serco sights on NDIS billions

Global services conglomerate Serco is eyeing the $22 billion ­national disability insurance scheme as a source of new profits and is hiring a “subject matter ­expert” to advance­ a business case.

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In The Media 22 July 2015

Tactile signs make Sydney more accessible to all

A network of tactile street signs is being rolled out across every signalised pedestrian crossing throughout the City of Sydney, making it safer and easier for people of all abilities to navigate our streets.

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In The Media 22 July 2015

Control of $20b disability scheme on leaders agenda

Talks have opened up between the federal and state governments about giving the states early access to a share of $20 billion of funds set aside for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but there are concerns the states may have to cede control over the massive scheme in return.

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In The Media 16 July 2015

Queenslanders with disabilities worried about NDIS start-up

The 97,000 Queenslanders living with a disability still have no idea where – or when – an “early launch” of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will begin in Queensland.

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In The Media 15 July 2015

Fed Govt refuses to cover NDIS funding shortfall in South Australia

Funding problems over the National Disability Insurance Scheme trial are escalating in South Australia.

The Commonwealth now says it won’t honour an agreement signed by the Gillard government to cover any funding shortfall.

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In The Media 15 July 2015

NDIS pilot scheme funding fight ‘hurting’ disability sector, Intellectual Disability Association says

A disability services expert is demanding the Federal and South Australian Governments solve funding differences which are delaying any further rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

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In The Media 14 July 2015

Botched SA NDIS pilot leaves children in limbo

The trial of the $22 billion Nation¬al Disability Insurance Scheme in South Australia has twice as many eligible clients as predicted, is 12 months behind schedule and is such a disaster that the federal minister responsible privately calls it the country’s “worst” pilot of the scheme.

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In The Media 14 July 2015

NDIS offers helpful extras

GRACE King came to Australia from the United States to teach a workshop she was running in 2009 and met and married her husband then returned to Perth three years ago.

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In The Media 13 July 2015

Aboriginal man’s disability inspires life of service

Paul Constable-Calcott contracted polio when he was 18 months old.
The disease left him reliant on a cane for walking. It also changed his life for the better, inspiring him to help others.

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