News 13 November 2022

In case you missed it: EAC and the NDIS Review’s online Q&A

The big new independent NDIS Review was announced in October – ahead of schedule, and with a bunch of familiar faces on board. So we got in really quick – and with some help from their Canberra team we worked out how to get you (or your questions and messages) in the same virtual room as them. You can catch the video and transcript right here…

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Opinion 25 October 2022

What can we expect from the new chair of the NDIA Kurt Fearnley?

Our friend Dr George Taleporos sat down with the new Chair of the National Disability Insurance Agency, Kurt Fearnley, for his latest episode of Reasonable and Necessary. He finds out why Kurt took on the job, and what we can expect from his leadership of the Agency.

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News 3 August 2020

Getting answers to the big questions – our Zoom forum with the NDIA

Why can’t we have planning meetings over video? Why can’t we get contact details for staff at the NDIA? Why do approvals for equipment take so long?

And will you cut my funding next time because I did not use all of it as a result of COVID lockdowns?

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News 14 April 2020

All the big announcements from our online forum with the NDIA

Thank you so much to everyone who attended our EAC Zoom forum with Scott McNaughton from the National Disability Insurance Agency last week. We’ve had great feedback and are really pleased to hear so many people found it helpful.

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News 20 December 2016

Bringing Human Rights to Life

2016 has been a big year for the Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU).

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News 28 September 2016

A tidal wave of change – empowering people

The right to live independently and participate fully in life is a pillar of the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disability. – which marks its 10-year anniversary this year. As Leigh Creighton investigates in this new video with CDAH, supported by the FACS Digital Stories Project, it’s fundamental to the NDIS as well.

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News 22 August 2016

Counting down to the Paralympics

With only 15 days to go we are counting down to cheer on Australia’s Paralympic athletes in Rio.

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News 20 April 2015

A great video for carers

Preparing for the NDIS can be a daunting prospect for carers, many who are unsure about how they fit into the planning process. This fantastic video The NDIS and You from Carer’s Queensland explains in simple graphics how the NDIS planning process works and the role of carers along the way.

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