News 19 April 2016

NDIS to provide jobs for Queensland

More good news for Queenslanders, with a new study showing the NDIS will deliver both jobs and resources to the Sunshine State.

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Research and Reports 19 April 2016

Economic Benefits of the NDIS in Queensland

National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to Queensland.

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Research and Reports 16 March 2016

Economic Benefits of the NDIS in South Australia

National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to South Australia.

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News 16 March 2016

The NDIS by numbers: South Australia

NDIS number crunching continues, with new figures showing the scale of the economic benefits it could potentially bring to South Australia.

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News 7 March 2016

NDIS dollars make sense for Victoria

The NDIS will not only transform lives for people with disability but it will also deliver an economic boost for all Victorians – creating thousands of jobs and adding billions to the state’s economy.

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Research and Reports 7 March 2016

Economic Benefits of the NDIS in Victoria

National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to Victoria.

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News 15 February 2016

NDIS: Makes Economic Sense

The NDIS will create thousands of jobs and add up to $7.3billion to NSW’s economy alone according to new report released today – results of the biggest ABS survey of people with disability and their carers ever undertaken.

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