News from Every Australian Counts

EAC are becoming independent

The time has come for Every Australian Counts to become independent and will be separating from our current parent organisation AFDO in the coming months. We have established a steering committee of disability leaders to oversee this work . We are looking for people with lived experience and allies with expertise in campaigning and fundraising to join our new board in the future. So please contact us if you or anyone you know might be interested.

Come to our NDIS feedback forum

Our codesign lead Nick Avery continues to represent us in advocating for better planning on the National Disability Insurance Agency Reform for Outcomes codesign work. Both Nick and I have regular meetings with senior agency staff and are always keen to feedback your experiences on the ground. We will be hosting regular forums to hear directly from you and answer your questions about the NDIS. We will be hosting these online through zoom months and our 1st one will be held on Saturday, November 11 at 12 PM until 1 PM Eastern Time.

Welcome to the team

Nicole Smith


I’m Nicole, a freelance writer, power wheelchair user and coffee lover living in Naarm/Melbourne.  I have a blog where I interview people using kindness, determination, and empathy to make a difference in the world. I have been published through HireUp, SBS Voices, Writers Victoria, and the Australian Education Union. 

My work background is in administration, marketing, and communications, particularly in the disability sector, using my lived experience to advocate for the rights of others. I have facilitated writing workshops through Writers Victoria and hosted panels as part of the Emerging Writers Festival.

I currently work with Guardian Living Australia, a provider of Specialist Disability Accommodation. I come to Every Australian Counts (EAC) to assist with communications, including campaigns, social media, emails, event planning, meeting admin and website updates. I have admired the work of EAC, particularly its ‘power of the people’ approach since its launch in 2011. I want to contribute more to this community.

In my spare time, I enjoy interviewing, improvisation theatre, podcasts, musicals, brunches with friends, reading, movies, AFL, markets, cultural exhibitions and art galleries.

I have Cerebral Palsy and have self-managed my NDIS package since my first plan in March 2017. With my funding, I employ a group of ten support workers to assist me with personal care and domestic duties. In March I bought my first home and have recently had the blinds, lights and doors automated. I am currently waiting on the NDIS to approve funding for my complex bathroom modifications.

Through my lived experience of navigating the NDIS (including undergoing an audit), as well as my professional experience engaging with people with disability, support workers, families and service providers, my advocacy streak has strengthened. I am strong-willed and am heavily impacted by injustice. I am eager to do my part to ensure the NDIS delivers on its promise to people with disability. I will be working one day a week to support the work of Every Australian Counts. You can contact me by email

Latest news and opinion

News 20 June 2024

EAC Community Forum: The Latest on the NDIS Bill and How to Be Heard

A lot has happened since our last community forum on the NDIS Bill, so we are hosting another forum to give you an update. This forum will give

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News 30 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Calls on Parliament to Protect the NDIS

Media Release As Parliament debates proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) today, Every Australian Counts implores all parliamentarians to ensure the voices and rights of

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Opinion 20 June 2024

NDIS participant is “terrified of the consequences of the bill”

Scott Harry is an NDIS participant who is concerned that if the NDIS Bill goes through, the government will be able to implement the NDIS Review recommendation that

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