News 20 June 2024

EAC Community Forum: The Latest on the NDIS Bill and How to Be Heard

A lot has happened since our last community forum on the NDIS Bill, so we are hosting another forum to give you an update. This forum will give

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Opinion 20 June 2024

NDIS participant is “terrified of the consequences of the bill”

Scott Harry is an NDIS participant who is concerned that if the NDIS Bill goes through, the government will be able to implement the NDIS Review recommendation that

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1 3 June 2024

May 2024 Newsletter: It’s time again to protect our NDIS!

Sent on the 29th of May 2024 It’s time again to protect our NDIS! To our Every Australian Counts community, Today the future of our NDIS is being debated in

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News 30 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Calls on Parliament to Protect the NDIS

Media Release As Parliament debates proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) today, Every Australian Counts implores all parliamentarians to ensure the voices and rights of

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News 27 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Submission into the ‘Getting the NDIS Back on Track’ Bill 2024

Written submissions into the Standing Committee on Community Affairs, about the Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill 2024 recently closed.  Every Australian Counts developed a submission to

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Opinion 20 May 2024

Implications of the NDIS Amendment Bill 2024 for some of Australia’s most marginalised people

The Power to Persuade editors, Sue Olney and Elroy Dearn originally published this article on their website The Power to Persuade on the 13th of May 2024. We

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News 6 May 2024

Every Australian Counts Upcoming Community Forum on the Changes to the NDIS Act

The biggest changes to our NDIS ever are currently being considered by our parliament. So please join our online community forum this Saturday, May 11 to understand more

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Opinion 6 May 2024

The Role of Navigators – An Opinion Piece by Michaela Kennedy, Judith Ellis and Peter Sheehy

Michaela Kennedy, Judith Ellis and Peter Sheehy have co-written this opinion piece about the part of the recent Review that relates particularly to the recommended introduction of navigators.

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News 7 April 2024

Media Release: NDIS Participants and Families Slam the NDIS Review Recommendations, Survey Shows

Results of a recent survey by the grassroots campaign for the NDIS, Every Australian Counts have revealed serious concerns with the recommendations put forward by the NDIS Review.

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News 25 March 2024

A New Taskforce to stop NDIS Providers Overcharging

Dr George Taleporos, Independent Chair of Every Australian Counts welcomes the government’s announcement to crack down on NDIS Providers overcharging participants through their newly announced taskforce. This initiative,

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News 25 March 2024

Every Australian Counts: Upcoming Forum and Invitation to Influence our Next Steps

In the spirit of collective action and shared vision, Every Australian Counts is extending an invitation to an important online forum scheduled for the 8th of April at

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Opinion 12 February 2024

We won’t let the NDIS review take away our right to choose – An open letter to Bill Shorten

Douglas used AI technologyto generate the photo above

Douglas Fogg is a NDIS participant with a passion for making technology inclusive and accessible.

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Opinion 1 February 2024

NDIS review: Regulation does not keep people safe. People keep people safe!

Linda Hughes is president of the Self Manager Hub and parent of an NDIS participant. Together they self manage and directly employ support workers. Here Linda describes some of the problems with the changes proposed by the NDIS review.

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Opinion 1 February 2024

Too Much About Us Without Us: Psychosocial Disability and the NDIS Review

Muriel and Neil participated in our NDIS Review forums where we came together to share our perspectives on the recommendations in the final report. Here is a summary of their perspectives that were developed in collaboration with six NDIS participants who are members of the Australian Psychosocial Disability Collective.

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Opinion 1 February 2024

The NDIS review “makes me so angry and scared”- by Sam Petersen

Samantha Petersen participated in our NDIS Review forum in December where we came together to share our perspectives on the recommendations  in the final report. Here are some of Sam’s concerns.

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Opinion 29 January 2024

The NDIS Review housing and living recommendations are “outdated and unethical”

The above image was drawn by Peter to help visually represent his concerns about the NDIS Review.

The issues identified through the NDIS Review are not new or unexpected. However, the solutions proposed create a level of bureaucratic overreach that intrudes into people’s lives and does not align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD).

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News 7 December 2023

Response to NDIS Review – Choice and control are under threat – the government must recommit to codesign

It’s been an extremely stressful time for our community waiting for these recommendations, our lives depend on the NDIS.

While we have had some glimpses of some of the findings, today is our first opportunity to examine the recommendations of the NDIS Review.

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News 4 December 2023

This Week is Going to Be Huge

This is one of the most important weeks ever for our community.

State and territory Premiers will be meeting with the Prime Minister on Wednesday to decide on the future of the NDIS.

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News 2 November 2023

Big Changes Revealed by the NDIS Review – But any Changes Must Be Codesigned

BREAKING NEWS! BIG CHANGES REVEALED in this exclusive interview with NDIS Review co-chairs Bruce and Lisa. Read on to find out more.

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News 9 October 2023

What does the Royal Commission say about the NDIS?

On Friday 29th September the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was presented to Parliament. Over 12 volumes, there are 222 recommendations of ways to promote an inclusive society that supports the independence and rights of people with disability. We want to thank everyone who contributed to the Royal Commission over the last 4 and a half years.

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News 27 September 2023

Every Australian Counts Codesign Work with NDIA

The Commonwealth Government has announced funding for improving NDIS processes, and the NDIA has committed to codesigning these improvements with the disability sector.

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News 7 September 2023

The latest from the NDIS Review

On Wednesday 6th September a NDIS Review community meeting was held in Geelong. They also talked about the next steps of the Review and the recommendations the Panel will make to the Government about how to improve the NDIS. Here is a summary of what they said in case you missed it…

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Opinion 31 August 2023

My Take On “Redesigning the NDIS”

This week, Australia’s national representative body of independent disability advocacy organisations, Disability Advocacy Network Australia, released a report calling for “urgent and radical reform of the NDIS”.

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Opinion 22 August 2023

Independent Assessments 2.0? NDIS Review Chair Forecasts Massive Changes – check them out…

Today the NDIS Review Chair gave us a first look at some huge changes that they want to make. In case you missed the speech by Professor Bruce Bonyhady, here is a summary:

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