News | 30 April 2020

NDIS: What’s working and what’s not? We want to hear from you

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"We want to hear from you" in a speech bubble with a pencil below, and the EAC logo with NDIS Make it Work on a red background

So we have put together a short survey to ask you how things are going and whether you are getting the support you need.

For example – we want to know if you have called the NDIS call centre and spoken to anyone in the special Coronavirus teams. Was your problem fixed – and how quickly did it get fixed?

Or – have you tried to move funds recently? How did it go?

We also want to know what else would help you or your family member get through this really difficult time.

We know everyone has more than enough on their plate at the moment. So the survey is short. You can give us as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with.


There is also an Easy Read version of the survey. You can print it off and then fill it in – or ask someone to help you fill it in.

To get it back to us you can:

  1. Take a photo of each of the pages or
  2. Scan it

And then email it back to us at


Everyone’s answers will remain anonymous. We will also remove anything that might identify you in any way.

And as always we will keep all your information private. We won’t share your information with anyone.

We will pull together all the answers and publish the results in a short report. We will use the results and the report to keep pushing for the changes you need.

We’ve also asked a question about what we can do to be more helpful at this really difficult time.

So please take the time to fill out the survey and let us know.


Some other useful links:

All the big announcements from our Zoom forum with the NDIA

Smart devices, tablets, iPads – the NDIA get their act together

NDIS and the coronavirus – what’s changed and what still needs changing? An interview with the NDIA CEO

Big NDIS changes to help participants through the Coronavirus

Coronavirus FAQs

Coronavirus Resources

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