NDIS Legislation Update: What You Need to Know
The NDIS Bill has passed through both Houses of Parliament and is set to become law after receiving Royal Assent from the Governor-General. Royal assent is the stage where the Governor General signs off on a bill and it then becomes the law. This marks a significant milestone, but we understand the deep concern and uncertainty that many in our community are feeling.
It’s important to acknowledge these feelings; you are not alone. Thousands of people with disabilities and their families across the country share these emotions. During this time, please remember to reach out for support and know that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed.
Our community has demonstrated incredible strength and resilience throughout this process. Your advocacy has brought much-needed scrutiny to this legislation, resulting in amendments that may not have occurred without your efforts. Every email, phone call, and meeting with decision-makers made a difference. Thank you for speaking up and making your voices heard.
As the government moves forward with implementing these changes, we urge them to uphold their commitment to co-design. People with disabilities are the experts in their own lives, and it is essential that we remain central to the development and execution of NDIS rules.
Senate Vote Summary
The Bill passed with 39 votes in favour and 12 against, 2 abstained (Senators Reynolds and Kovacic), and 23 were not present for the vote, out of a total of 76 Senators. Support for the legislation came primarily from the Australian Labor Party, One Nation and the Liberal Party. There was strong opposition from the Australian Greens.
What’s Next?
28 days after Royal Assent, the changes to the NDIS legislation will take effect. This includes Section 10 and the lists of what participants can and cannot claim from our NDIS plans. Submissions on the draft lists of NDIS Supports close on Sunday 25th August, so make sure you have your say!
Make Your Voice Heard
The consultation on the draft lists of NDIS Supports closes on Sunday 25th August. The Department of Social Services is processing submissions and survey responses as they are received, and will report back on the outcomes following the closing date.
Have your say on the draft NDIS Supports lists at: https://engage.dss.gov.au/consultation-on-draft-lists-of-ndis-supports/
Make sure to tell DSS about any concerns you have about the lists, and that NDIS Supports should be defined using the reasonable and necessary principles, rather than lists of items we can and cannot claim be sure to support that this would best be done by following a principles based approach, rather than just on lists of items.
EAC is lodging a submission based on what we have heard from you, our supporters, and we will put this up on our website as soon as possible.
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