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Young, Powerful & Engaged: CYDA’s Federal Election forum
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is hosting a free, online forum for young people and our wider community to hear from Australia’s major parties what they are promising children and young people with disability in the Federal Election.
There will be a Q&A for young people to directly ask political leaders about the election issues that are important to them.
– Senator Hollie Hughes
– Hon Bill Shorten MP
– Senator Jordan Steele-John
Date: 18 May | Time: 7-8pm AEST
Organisation/host: Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)
Email for more info or to register

Melbourne march + rally against NDIS cuts & appeals
The NDIS exists to help people with disability and families to get the essential supports needed to live a decent life.
But over the last couple of years, people with disability, families and advocates are being increasingly forced to go to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to get back the supports that have been cut from their NDIS plans without explanation.
We will hear from NDIS participants, families, advocates about their experiences and why this is so important.
And we’ll take the 10 minute journey from the NDIA to the AAT – a journey that far too often takes more than 10 MONTHS.
We will have Auslan interpreters there, and we will livestream the event (with captions) on our Facebook page and YouTube channel for people who can’t be there with us in person.
Date: May 19 | Time: 11am - 12pm AEST (Melbourne time)
Location: 367 Collins Street Melbourne (NDIA Melbourne CBD head office) - then March to the AAT at 15 William Street Melbourne., Melbourne, Vic 3000, AU
Organisation/host: Every Australian Counts
Email for more info or to register

Reasonable and Necessary Election Special Series Watch Party
This is an Every Australian Counts partnership event with Dr George Taleporos’ special election series of Reasonable and Necessary.
You’ll hear what Australia’s NDIS politicians have planned for our NDIS. And what a lineup! Linda Reynolds, Bill Shorten and Jordan Steele-John.
And in our final episode we will bring together Australia’s leading disability advocates to analyse everything that’s been said.
The questions that I’m asking have come from you, sourced from advocacy organisations also including People with Disability Australia (PWDA), Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA), Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), and National Disability Services – who have partnered with me to bring you this very important series.
Date: 4 episodes being released on May 9, 11, 13 and 16. | Time: 6PM AEST
Organisation/host: Every Australian Counts in partnership with the Reasonable and Necessary podcast
Email for more info or to register

Defend Our NDIS Big Night In
Catch up with people from all over the country online, to hear about what everyone got up to after our efforts on the National Day of Action. And help us all keep up the energy and come up with ideas to keep the pressure on our pollies this election.
Date: 28 April | Time: 7 pm - 9 pm (AEST)
Location: Online
Organisation/host: Every Australian Counts, Teamwork Works
Email for more info or to register
A Democracy Sausage to Defend our NDIS
In partnership with the Every Australian Counts campaign, Lifeful is proud to be hosting 2 events for the National Day Of Action at our Frankston and Melton locations.
Please come along and join us, share your stories and sign the petition. We can assist you to join the campaign by signing up, and registering your stories of funding cuts, so that come election day, we will be heard!
We know if we all work together we can make a difference.
Date: Thursday the 28th April | Time: 12-2pm, AEST
Location: Hannah Watt’s Park 183-225 High St,, Melton, Vic AU
Organisation/host: Lifeful
Email for more info or to register
A Democracy Sausage to Defend our NDIS
In partnership with the Every Australian Counts campaign, Lifeful is proud to be hosting 2 events for the National Day Of Action at our Frankston and Melton locations.
Please come along and join us, share your stories and sign the petition. We can assist you to join the campaign by signing up, and registering your stories of funding cuts, so that come election day, we will be heard!
We know if we all work together we can make a difference.
Date: Thursday the 28th April | Time: 12-2pm, AEST
Location: Trim’s Café 40 Playne Street, Frankston, Vic AU
Organisation/host: Deb
Email for more info or to register
Defend Early Childhood Intervention Through NDIS
Online meeting with the Team to reflect on the importance of NDIS for young children and families.
Date: 28th April | Time: 2.00
Organisation/host: EarlyEd
Email for more info or to register

Family Advocacy’s Social Media Blitz
Can you help us make some noise this Thursday, 28 April?
As part of the Defend Our NDIS National Day of Action, Family Advocacy are having a social media blitz. Share our posts, retweet our tweets, tag NDIS Minister Reynolds and call your local Federal member.
Our NDIS is at a crossroads. It’s not the NDIS we fought so hard for, or the NDIS Australians deserve. A federal election is just around the corner. Let’s show our political leaders just how important it is that we Defend Our NDIS.
Follow us on Facebook at familyadvocacynsw or Twitter @FamAdvocacyNSW
Date: 28 April | Time: All day
Organisation/host: Family Advocacy
Email for more info or to register

Burnie: Speak Out North West Rally
Every Australian Counts is holding a National Day of Action to defend our NDIS!
Join Speak Out’s event in Burnie
Meeting at 11:00 am at the Burnie Speak Out Office for a sausage sizzle.
Weather update! Check out our new flyer here
Assemble at the Speak Out Office for a 11:45 am departure to our local member’s office.
Dress in red to show your support
Date: 28 April | Time: 11:00 am (AEST)
Location: Speak Out Association of Tasmania 4–22 Wilmot St, Shop 4, Columnar Court Burnie 7320
Organisation/host: Speak Out Association of Tasmania
Email for more info or to register
RSVP 03 6431 9333
Geelong In Action: Defend Our NDIS!
Join us for the #DefendOurNDIS rally at Cunningham Pier in Geelong. No registration needed, all are welcome.
Date: 28 April | Time: 11:30 am (AEST)
Location: Cunningham Pier, 10 Western Foreshore Rd, Geelong, VIC 3200
Organisation/host: WDV Barwon Region
Email for more info or to register

Cairns: Disability Election Forum
The Federal Election is on 21 May 2022, it is an important one, especially to people with disability, their families and workers. The past two years have demonstrated the need to elect a future Federal Government who will listen and lead with vision to deliver full inclusion and participation of people with disability as citizens within our communities.
Come along to a local forum and hear how the key political parties standing in our electorate, will deliver a more inclusive Australia and raise the disability issues that matter to you!
The event location is subject to change due to rain. Please check back here for updates.
Date: 28 April | Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (AEST)
Location: Cairns Colonial Club, Cannon Street, Manunda
Organisation/host: Stride, Rights In Action, ARC Disability Services Inc. and Queenslanders with Disability Network’s local peer support group in partnership with Every Australian Counts
Email for more info or to register

Castlemaine NDIS Day Of Action
The future of the NDIS is uncertain and we need to make sure that all political parties have good NDIS policies this election. We need to #DefendOurNDIS
Gather at the Castlemaine Market Building at 4pm to 5pm on Thursday 28th of April 2022.
Date: 28th of April | Time: 4pm to 5pm Melbourne time
Location: Castlemaine Market Building Mostyn Street, Castlemaine, Victoria 3450, AU
Organisation/host: Zoe
Email for more info or to register
roundsquared meeting with local MP’s
roundsquared’s ‘Lets Talk, Speak Out’ Advocacy group will be hosting Dr Holland MP Member for Bega & Fiona Phillips MP Member for Gilmour to discuss:
Housing: The impact of homelessness and lack of housing within the disability community – what is being done to change this? How are all tiers of government working together to address this?
Every Australian Counts – if you are re-elected for Gilmour – how are NDIS members going to be supported – what does that look like?
Employment – what are local, state & federal governments doing to support people with a disability to gain access to open employment and appropriate training opportunities.
Date: Thursday 28th April | Time: 9.30 AEST
Location: AU
Organisation/host: roundsquared
Email for more info or to register

Brisbane: National Day of Action – Defend our NDIS Morning Tea
On Thursday April 28, we will be coming together with people from all across Australia and taking action to make sure the NDIS is at the top of the agenda this federal election.
We are holding a morning tea on this day. The more voices we have, the louder we will be and the more our pollies will have to listen.
Local candidates will be invited to attend the morning tea.
The event location is subject to change due to rain. Please check back here for updates.
Date: 28 April 2022 | Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm (AEST)
Location: Events on Oxlade 50 Oxlade Drive, Brisbane, QLD 4005, AU
Organisation/host: QDN
Email for more info or to register
1300 363 783
Sunbury: Defend Our NDIS – Sausage Sizzle
Join us from 12pm-1pm for a sausage sizzle! Wear red to show your support of the NDIS.
$2.50 for a sausage in bread
$2 for a can of drink
Proceeds will be donated to Every Australian Counts
Date: April 28th | Time: 12pm-1pm; AEDT
Location: Distinctive Options - Sunbury 24 Macedon Street, Sunbury, Victoria 3429, AU
Organisation/host: Distinctive Options- Sunbury
Email for more info or to register

Sydney: Defend Our NDIS Community Event
Our Sydney event will feature a panel of noteworthy speakers, a free sausage sizzle, fun activities and giveaways. Most importantly, it’s a chance for people in our community to connect and share their experiences of the NDIS. We’d love to see you at the event. Everybody is welcome.
The event location is subject to change due to rain. Please check back here for updates.
Date: 28 April | Time: 10:30 am - 12 pm (AEST)
Location: Heron & Egret Pavilions at Sydney Olympic Park Homebush Bay Dr. & Victoria Ave., Sydney, NSW 2127, AU
Organisation/host: Ability Options, Allevia, Unisson, Euralla
Email for more info or to register

Defend the NDIS: A Sort Your Support online forum
Sort Your Support is hosting a forum with people with disability and their supporters to discuss how the NDIS can be fixed. The NDIS should be something to be proud of, a rights based funding system to enable people with disability to live an ordinary life. The NDIS in its current form is not what was promised. Funding has been cut from plans, wait times are getting longer, and people are needing to fight NDIS lawyers to get the support they need. Something has to change.
Date: April 28 | Time: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM AEST
Location: Online (Zoom)
Organisation/host: Sort Your Support
Email for more info or to register

NSW Central Coast: Defend Our NDIS Sausage Sizzle
Join us for a sausage sizzle with entertainment and speakers ready to #DefendOurNDIS. All welcome! Register via the link below.
Date: 28 April | Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am (AEST)
Location: Parkview Room - Level 1, Central Coast Leagues Club 1 Dane Dr., Gosford, NSW 2250, AU
Organisation/host: CPA, Unisson, Ability Options, Sunnyfield
Email for more info or to register

Adelaide (Online): SACID Crew Defend Our NDIS
Join us for an Hour of Power!
We’re ready to #DefendOurNDIS and would love you to be part of it.
There’ll be fun and easy ways to take part, have your say and who knows maybe even some dancing and music!
By the end of the hour of power, we’ll put together a mighty big message that we’ll share with politicians and candidates about why the NDIS matters in this election (and the future!)
It’ll be on Zoom, so you can take part from wherever you are across South Australia (and be safe).
Date: 28 April | Time: 2pm - 3pm ACST
Location: Zoom (online)
Organisation/host: South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability (SACID)
Email for more info or to register

Melbourne: Self-advocates rally
Self-advocates will meet in the Ross House foyer at 12:30pm to get ready.
After that we will head outside and share our messages with people passing by. We will have Defend our NDIS signs, Every Australian Counts t-shirts, and excellent chants to share with the public.
Please note: this event is only for self-advocacy groups based in Ross House to help us stay COVID safe.
Date: 28 April | Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (AEST)
Location: Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000
Organisation/host: Reinforce and Positive Powerful Parents
Email for more info or to register
Reinforce 9650 7855 or Positive Powerful Parents - 9639 9106Canberra: National Day of Action BBQ and Meet the Candidates
The ACT disability sector is joining the National Day of Action to Defend Our NDIS. Koomarri and Hartley Lifecare are hosting a BBQ to meet with candidates from across the political spectrum and hear from sector representatives, people with disabilities and family members. Join us and help Defend our NDIS!
The event location is subject to change due to rain. Please check back here for updates.
Date: 28 April | Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (AEST)
Location: Koomarri, 25 Launceston Street Phillip ACT
Organisation/host: Koomarri, Hartley Lifecare, Teamwork Works, Every Australian Counts
Email for more info or to register
Frankston: Standing up for the NDIS
Lifeful will be holding a lunch for our NDIS participants, their parents and carers & NDIS providers to support the National Day of Action. The event will include a light lunch #DefendOur NDIS. Register at the link below to attend.
Date: 28th April 2022 | Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (AEST)
Location: Trims Cafe 40 Playne Street, Frankston, Vic, 3199, AU
Organisation/host: Lifeful
Email for more info or to register

Heidelberg: Mind Australia Morning Tea – Keep the NDIS strong
This event is not open to the public.
Mind is one of the largest providers of NDIS-funded supported independent living services in Australia for people with psychosocial disability, and we provide a plethora of NDIS-funded services through mobile outreach, centre-based and online methods. Let’s show our support for this crucial funding and defend the NDIS.
Date: 28 April | Time: 10:30 am (AEST)
Location: Heidelberg, VIC, 3084
Organisation/host: Mind Australia
Email for more info or to register
Christie Centre Inc – Have Your Say Opportunity
Christie Centre is a Mildura based provider of NDIS-funded services for individuals with intellectual disability.
We are showing our support on the National Day of Action through some program morning teas for our participants and supported employees; and providing an opportunity for individuals to have a say on the NDIS through conversation, photos and social media stories.
Individuals can be involved by following the Christie Centre on Facebook and share their views of what is and isn’t working with the NDIS or email
Date: Thursday 28th April 2022 | Time: 10am (EST)
Location: Mildura VIC 3500, AU
Organisation/host: Christie Centre Inc
Email for more info or to register
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