News 26 April 2014

Disability scheme supports everyone

“EVERY Australian counts” is the catchcry that has united the disability sector, galvanised the nation to support an increase in the Medicare levy and won multi-partisan political support for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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News 29 March 2014

Groundhog day – NDIS costs old news

A report today in The Australian rehashes previously released figures on the ‘cost blowout’ in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Every Australian Counts Campaign Director, John Della Bosca, said: “Today’s report is old news; I remember addressing the media on these exact figures in November last year.

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News 20 March 2014

NDIA review no excuse to deny people with disability a better future

A review released today raises doubts about the timeline currently in place to roll out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

John Della Bosca, Every Australian Counts Campaign Director said: “I hope this report is not used by some commentators to argue delaying the NDIS. The scheme is already taking over seven years to rollout.

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News 18 December 2013

NDIS is investment in Australians

The Every Australian Counts campaign for the NDIS welcomes the statement from Minister Fifield this afternoon that: “The Coalition is committed to delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme in full.”

John Della Bosca, Every Australian Counts Campaign Director, said: “We can all assume that every Australian expects the NDIS to run efficiently and at the lowest cost to taxpayers. Every Australian also expects our parliament to deliver the NDIS in full as promised.

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