In The Media 15 June 2015

New data confirms disability funding crisis, says AEU

A nationwide trial is being conducted to determine the real needs of schools for educating students with disability and will be used to determine funding from 2016.

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In The Media 15 June 2015

Cuts force younger patients into residential care

YOUNGER people living with dementia will be more likely to go into residential care when a vital early intervention program is axed, Alzheimer’s advocates have warned.

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In The Media 9 June 2015

NDIS helps Briahna Grant-Griffin set up rag doll business with push-button sewing machine

Briahna Grant-Griffin dreams of one-day having her own place with a pink and purple front door.

The same passion for colour goes into her fabric choices for the rag dolls she makes and sells to bring her goal closer.

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In The Media 5 June 2015

SA man eligible for release forced to spend year in jail due to lack of disability housing

A cognitively impaired South Australian man has been forced to spend almost a year in jail, despite being eligible for release, because of a lack of disability housing.

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In The Media 4 June 2015

New Disability Employment Model Needed

The Federal Government is spending around $1 billion on disability employment services every year, but only a third of the people supported by these services will find a job.

Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield, writes that Australia needs a system that works better for people with disability.

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In The Media 2 June 2015

NDIS confusion in Victoria as state and federal governments yet to agree on details

There is confusion about how the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will work in Victoria and concern it may not be delivered on time, disability advocates and service providers say.

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In The Media 1 June 2015

AFDO launches Disability Loop website

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is very pleased to launch the Disability Loop website at today.

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In The Media 29 May 2015

Disability advocates call for Senator Mitch Fifield to be ‘more forthcoming’ over NDIS funding

Disability advocates’ concerns grow as another federal budget passes without specific details about how the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will be paid for when it is rolled out in full.

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In The Media 26 May 2015

Disability Employment Package

The 2015 Federal Budget has provided $25 million over four years to start to shape Disability Employment toward a new model in 2018 in which it expects 22,000 people with disability to be employment-ready.

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In The Media 25 May 2015

13,000 Queensland jobs to come with NDIS scheme

JOB agencies need to be ready for the creation of 13,000 new Queensland jobs when the NDIS scheme rolls out, according to Disability Services Minister Coralee O’Rourke.

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In The Media 25 May 2015

Disability advocates call for funds to explain NDIS

Disability advocates have called for extra funding to allow them to help people confused about accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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In The Media 19 May 2015

NDIS Citizens’ Jury Scorecard Rates Well

People With Disability Australia (PWDA) has hailed the success of the NDIS Citizens’ Jury Scorecard report, saying it has uncovered deep and meaningful feedback.

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In The Media 18 May 2015

Students with disabilities: One in four refused enrolment, most get inadequate support, survey shows

Students with disabilities suffer high levels of discrimination, a new survey reports. The survey found one in four students with disability had been refused school enrolment and almost 70 per cent received inadequate support.

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In The Media 18 May 2015

NDIS citizens’ jury finds scheme successful so far, but with work to do

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) citizens’ jury has found it is already giving people living with disabilities more independence and an improved quality of life, but there is room for improvement in its roll out.

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In The Media 18 May 2015

Heidelberg West man frustrated with disability support shortfall

TERRY Bainbridge was a hardworking tradie and diehard Richmond fan when, at just 47, a stroke left him with an acquired brain injury.

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In The Media 13 May 2015

Budget 2015: Students with disabilities to get record $1.3 billion boost for extra help in classroom

Students with a disability will get extra support, with the Federal Government allocating a record $1.3 billion in the budget for the year ahead.

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In The Media 13 May 2015

Fair hearing for Hearing Australia

Further consultations with people affected by hearing problems have been promised before a decision is made on the future of the Government Agency, Hearing Australia.

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In The Media 13 May 2015

Disability Orgs Cautiously Optimistic

Disability organisations have welcomed a more “moderate” Federal Budget but have expressed their concerns that 12 specialist organisations representing over 200,000 Australians with disability have not been funded.

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In The Media 12 May 2015

Planning for Queensland’s NDIS transition ramps up

A new advisory group to oversee Queensland’s transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will meet today in Brisbane for the first time.

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In The Media 12 May 2015

NDIS funding for autism is inconsistent, says service provider

In South Australia, a centre providing early intervention for children with autism says funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme trial is inconsistent.

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In The Media 16 April 2015

Disability funding ‘vital for children’: parents travel to Canberra seeking support

IT HAS been a parent’s nightmare: the death of a husband when their younger son is two, and before the child is diagnosed with a major disability.

Kate Walsh of Menai, who faced both challenges, was left with the problem of finding the best schooling for her son Cameron, 10.

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In The Media 9 April 2015

Housing shortage flagged as biggest hurdle to NDIS

A shortage of appropriate housing for people with disabilities could become the biggest obstacle to the successful implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to a new study.

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In The Media 8 April 2015

Graeme Innes says ‘appalling’ cage practice not one-off, calls for inquiry on education of children with disabilities

In the wake of revelations an autistic Canberra student was confined in a cage-like structure, former disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes says such abuses are widespread and has called for a broad inquiry into the treatment of children with disabilities in the nation’s schools.

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In The Media 18 March 2015

Charity’s lucky dip to highlight disability accommodation shortfalls

A charity wants to highlight the plight of thousands of Queenslanders with a disability who are on accommodation waiting lists by holding a “lucky dip” draw for one of its sought-after disability units.

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