News | 16 March 2016

The NDIS by numbers: South Australia

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SA NDIS economic benefits graphic

The modelling is based on an ABS survey of over 75,000 people with disability and their carers. At about one 300th of the Australian population, it’s the biggest survey ever done by the ABS.

It shows that in South Australia the NDIS will:

  • Support between 2,200 and 3,400 people with disability to find work
  • Support approximately 2,270 carers to return to the workforce
  • Create an employment boom in SA with 4,400-5,700 jobs created as a consequence
  • Create jobs in the South Australian disability service sector
  • Add up to $1.4B annually to SA’s Gross State Product

To calculate the numbers Every Australian Counts and NDS crunched the ABS data on numbers of people with disability who would like to work but because of various restrictions have been unable to.

The NDIS will provide more support for people with disability wanting to work.

The report also uses data of carers who desire to return to work but can’t because of their caring responsibility.

Every Australian Counts Campaign Director, John Della Bosca, said the report confirmed that the NDIS is “socially right and economically smart”.

“As the scheme ramps up from July this year we look forward to seeing employment goals for people with disability realised,” he said

SA NDS Manager, Peter Hoppo, said the report was great news for South Australians with disability who are eager to work.

“The data presented confirms modelling previously stated by the South Australian Government and follows Premier Weatherill’s announcement of a new Disability Employment Hub to encourage people into a career in the disability sector,” he said.

“We look forward to continuing our work with government to ensure these economic benefits and life opportunities for people with disability and their carers are realised.”

Read the full report: Economic Benefit of the NDIS in South Australia.

And find out what the NDIS will also mean for NSW and Victoria.

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