10 New Year Wishes for 2025: What We’re Asking Our Governments to Commit To
As we welcome 2025, we’re calling on our governments to commit to ten actions that will protect the NDIS and fulfil its promise: a system that empowers people with disability to live with choice, control, and the support we need to live a good life in the community.
These 10 New Years Wishes reflect the priorities of our community and what we need to see in 2025.
1. Fulfil the promise of the NDIS
Deliver an NDIS that upholds the right to choice, control, and reasonable and necessary supports, enabling NDIS participants to live ordinary lives in our communities.
2. Recognise the social and economic benefits of the NDIS
Stop using language that paints the NDIS and disabled people as a ‘cost burden’. This feeds an ongoing cycle of news stories that results in negative attitudes towards people with disability and the NDIS.
3. Allow the time needed for genuine co-design
Ensure there is enough time allowed for open, and meaningful co-design so people with disability can shape the policies that affect our lives.
4. Adopt a trauma-responsive approach to NDIS changes
Recognise the fear and distress caused by funding cuts. Slow down and work with our community to create a respectful, trauma-informed approach.
5. Address our community’s concerns about the Support Needs Assessments.
Work with us to ensure they are fair, trauma-informed, and do not leave participants worse off.
6. Ensure that Foundational Supports are established and that eligibility reassessments are fair and equitable.
Removing nearly 600 people per week — some with permanent and severe disabilities — without the necessary time to obtain the supporting evidence required to maintain access is unjust and unfair, and falls short of due process. Accelerating eligibility reassessments before the promised Foundational Supports are in place jeopardises the safety and wellbeing of people with disability.
7. Ensure equity
Build an NDIS that doesn’t disadvantage people based on impairment or disability type, ensuring everyone who needs support can access it.
8. Uphold our human rights in NDIS reforms
Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), people with disability have the right to decide where and with whom they live, and how they are supported — this includes people who need 24/7 support.
9. Establish a self-directed registration category
This will empower participants to manage their supports with greater flexibility and autonomy.
10. Celebrate the NDIS as a national achievement
Recognise the enormous social and economic contributions of people with disabilities that are made possible because of the NDIS.
The NDIS is too important to get wrong.
These ten resolutions represent what our community needs to see in 2025 for a fairer, safer, and stronger NDIS that delivers on its promise.
Let’s work together to make sure governments listen, act and commit to these changes.
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