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Tip the balance

When the NDIS works as it should it really does change lives.

For Julian support from the NDIS has helped him with his weekend job at the canteen. And now he has just finished school it is helping him find a job and set him up well for the future.

But the NDIS isn’t working for everyone yet.

We want that to change. We want to show where it’s working – and where it’s falling down. And then what needs to be done to fix it.

We’d love you to send in a photo and one or two paragraphs about the impact of the NDIS on your life .

  • You could tell us what the NDIS has funded that has changed your life.
  • Or what you can now do that you couldn’t before the NDIS.
  • Or what are the interesting and different things you have been able to do with help from the NDIS?
  • And if the NDIS is not working for you we want to know more about that too. Tell us what isn’t working – and what needs to be done to fix it.

We’ll post your stories and photos on our Tipping the Balance gallery so we can show Australia the good and the not-so-good. With the very strong message that we want to tip the balance in favour of the good – to get the scheme working for everyone who needs it.


* Please note that stories will be published on our website and may also be shared by Every Australian Counts on social media.  So please only provide details you’re comfortable with sharing. And if you are sharing the story of a family member please think about their privacy and ask their permission before sharing.

Add your story

Share your NDIS story and let’s show our politicians what can happen when the NDIS works – and what happens when it doesn’t. Our message – let’s get it working for everyone who needs it!

We take your privacy seriously. Read more on our collection statement.

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