News 16 July 2015

Exciting times ahead: lessons from the NDIS trial sites

It’s two years since the National Disability Scheme (NDIS) trial site started in the Hunter and a year after it kicked off in the ACT, so we spoke to one of the large disability providers in both trial sites to find out how they think it’s going and what they’ve learned so far.

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News 19 May 2015

Early rollout in Western Sydney a reality

Today the NSW Government made good on their election promise and signed an agreement to kick off the NDIS in Penrith and the Blue Mountains a year ahead of schedule. 

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In The Media 16 May 2015

NDIS citizens’ jury finds scheme successful so far, but with work to do

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) citizens’ jury has found it is already giving people living with disabilities more independence and an improved quality of life, but there is room for improvement in its roll out.

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Opinion 18 February 2015

A scorecard on the NDIS trials

As we near two years since the start of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) we are beginning to get a handle on how this complex reform is living up to its promise to improve the lives of people with disability through choice, control and person centred support within an insurance approach.

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