News 13 October 2015

Mental Health and the NDIS

The NDIS has the potential to support thousands of Australians with mental illness across Australia. Following on from Mental Health Week we look at who qualifies and what support is available.

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Opinion 1 September 2015

How to speak to your employer about mental illness

Long ago — maybe I was 19 — I walked out of a job on the second day and just never went back. It was a temp job, entering data into a machine and then checking the data and then entering more data. I was being paid $18 an hour, which was pretty good at the time.

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Opinion 9 June 2015

Every Australian Counts: Exploring Psychosocial Disability and the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has great potential to improve the lives of people with psychosocial disability associated with mental illness. If we are to meet the needs of these people, however it is absolutely crucial that we get the broad architecture of the scheme right.

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Opinion 27 May 2015

Lived experience

I’m sitting on the back deck of our humble home in Melbourne’s outer east, with my laptop, looking into the large backyard my nieces and nephews refer to as “the park”. Every time I sit here I can’t help thinking of the Creedence lyrics “Doo, doo, doo lookin’ out my backdoor”.

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