News 7 December 2023

Response to NDIS Review – Choice and control are under threat – the government must recommit to codesign

It’s been an extremely stressful time for our community waiting for these recommendations, our lives depend on the NDIS.

While we have had some glimpses of some of the findings, today is our first opportunity to examine the recommendations of the NDIS Review.

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News 13 October 2022

What’s happening with NDIS AAT appeals? Recap: online forum with NDIS Minister Bill Shorten and NDIA Chief Counsel Matthew Swainson

Did you catch our live forum about NDIS AAT appeals with NDIS Minister Bill Shorten and NDIA Chief Counsel Matthew Swainson? You can find a quick summary, as well as the video recordings and the transcript right here.

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News 26 September 2022

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten’s announcement on the new NDIA CEO, Board Chair and Board Members

Today Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten has announced five new people who will all play important roles in running the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – a new CEO, a new Board Chair, and three new Board Members. They start on Monday, October 17, 2022. Find the details from the announcement right here…

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News 17 October 2019

Get the Message?

When the government announced recently that the NDIS was underspent last year by a whopping $4.6 billion, a shockwave of anger and frustration ran through people with disability and their families.

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