NDIS June 2015 progress report

According the latest report from the agency managing the NDIS rollout, more than 2,500 plans have been approved since December, with Victoria having the most at 4,041 approved plans and then NSW with 3,568 plans.
Participants are still giving a thumbs up to their NDIS experience with an average satisfaction rate of 1.64 on a scale with the highest being 2. The agency will need to keep on their game though as the satisfaction levels appear to be sliding slowly backwards as more people enter the scheme – last September it was at 1.67.
Total funds committed to date sits at $754 million with the average package for each participant $34,900. No cost blow outs here – this is well within what was expected for the scheme so it’s good to see we are tracking on budget while maintaining the commitment to meet the needs of participants.
The Federal Government continues to promise a full roll out scheme by August this year so the 446,490 people still waiting for the scheme will at least know when they will also get to transform their lives.