Keeping people safe under the NDIS
The NDIA is developing a Quality and Safeguarding Framework, to protect the rights of people with disability and make sure they receive quality supports and stay free from harm.
Earlier this year it asked people with disability and providers for their ideas in public meetings, workshops and surveys across Australia.
You can read their feedback in the NDIA’s just released Consultant’s Report.
There were differences of opinion on the detail, yet all stakeholders agreed there needs to be a high level of regulation under the NDIS.
Here’s a snapshot of what else they said:
- There needs to be a balance between choice and safeguarding;
- People with disability need the right information to make sure the supports they choose are high quality, safe and meet their needs;
- There needs to be clearly explained information in all formats about navigating the system, rights and responsibilities, how to make complaints and independent information about provider quality;
- Support for advocacy will be vital. – Including building capacity for self advocacy so people with disability have the confidence to speak out;
- Provider requirements and staff should be consistent across Australia;
- There needs to be an independent statutory complaints body – either a new national body or existing state based bodies;
- There were very different views about the level of safeguarding measures that should apply if people are managing their own supports.
The report, as well as a cost benefit analysis and the findings of inquiries into abuse in the sector, will form the basis of a final Framework for state and Commonwealth disability ministers to look at early next year.