Independent Advisory Council update

IAC End of Year Update 2015: Supporting an Ordinary Life for People with Disability reports on the milestones and advice provided by the Council in the lead up to the full roll out of the NDIS later this year.
The 11 members of the IAC are experts in the disability sector and provide advice to the Board of the National Disability Insurance Agency.
In her forward to the report IAC Principal Member Professor Rhonda Galbally AO said the IAC has focussed on fundamental concepts such as choice and control, reasonable and necessary supports, capacity building and safeguards to make the NDIS the best it can be for people with disability.
She said the Council will continue to provide advice to the Board once the NDIS is rolled out from July “so that every step central to the design and delivery of an NDIS is the goal of people with disabilities, families and carers living an ordinary life participating fully in the society and as Australian citizens.”
Download the full report including accessible version, and find out more about the IAC.