Doors closed for renters with disability

The snapshot released by Anglicare today looked at properties advertised for rent on the weekend of April 1-2 in capital cities and regional centres.
It found that just 586 of the 67,000 properties advertised Australia wide were affordable for a single person receiving the DSP – or 0.86%.
It’s slightly more affordable in regional areas, where 3.9% of properties were affordable for singles receiving the DSP than in our cities, where 0.8% of properties were affordable.
Not a single property was affordable in Darwin, Brisbane or Sydney, with just two considered appropriate on Canberra, four in Adelaide and five in both Melbourne and Perth.
No breakdown was given for Hobart, however according to the snapshot, just 5% of properties are affordable across Tasmania for people receiving the DSP, with an overall drop in the number of properties for rent in the Apple Isle.
“Many Australians already know that our major cities are becoming places where only the very wealthy can avoid housing stress. But this report shows that renters on low incomes are in trouble all over Australia, with regional areas failing to offer relief,”
– Anglicare’s Executive Director Kasey Chambers
The NDIS will open doors for people with disability to make their own housing choices – but there must be homes available.
The results of this snapshot again highlight the urgent need for action by governments of all levels to encourage investment in safe, secure homes for people who need them. And they must not only be affordable, they must also be accessible..