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The federal government is planning to make fundamental changes to the NDIS

They want to introduce NDIS compulsory assessments, which will remove the individualised and personalised nature of the scheme – the core values of the NDIS, which we fought so hard to secure.

But we now have the chance to convince NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds to put an immediate stop to these changes.  

Compulsory assessments will mean that people with disability are treated as numbers, not people, with tick-a-box assessments determining who gets support – and how much support they get.

This is not the NDIS we fought for.

The government is using this as a cost-cutting exercise, justifying the changes by claiming that the cost of the NDIS is blowing out. Not only are the costs right on track with what was projected four years ago, you can’t put a price on people with disability.

Minister Reynolds recently put a ‘pause’ on NDIS assessments until after the pilot has finished, and after she has consulted with you. But she’s also saying that that these assessments will still continue in some form.

It’s more important than ever to make sure she hears from all of you. Tell her why these changes won’t work for you or your loved ones, and why they must be stopped immediately.

Will you contact the new NDIS Minister now, and call on her to stop these changes immediately?

Want to know more about the proposed changes? Scroll down.

NDIS compulsory assessments will turn people into numbers

  • Compulsory assessments will be conducted by unknown private contractors
  • They will consists of “tick-a-box” questions with no opportunity for context or complexity
  • There will be no consultation with your existing allied health professionals
  • The assessment cannot be challenged or appealed

It’s just a way to cut the NDIS

  • The government must immediately stop the roll-out of the proposed changes
  • People with disability must be meaningfully involved in co-designing alternative solutions
  • The government must commit to keeping people with disability at the centre of the NDIS

This is not the NDIS we fought for

  • The Government must immediately halt the roll-out of these changes
  • People with disability must be involved in co-designing alternative approaches
  • The Government must commit to keeping people with disability at the centre of the NDIS

Take action now

Tell our new Minister for the NDIS to stop compulsory assessments

Will you email Minister Reynolds now?

Take action: Email the new NDIS Minister

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My NDIS ‘Independent Assessment’ was a nightmare

Aaron Carpenter volunteered to take part in the pilot of the new compulsory assessments.

Watch the video to hear directly from Aaron about why he’s taking action to stop these changes from being rolled out.

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