Every Australian Counts Election Gallery
Check out all the photos of election candidates who have taken our pledge to make the NDIS be the best it can be.
- Julian Hill, Labor for Bruce
- Madeleine King, Labor for Brand
- Elissa Sutherland, Greens for Casey
- Greg Bondar, CDP for Banks
- John Mackenzie – Greens for Newcastle
- Josh Fergeus – Greens for Chisholm
- Marg D’Arcy – Labor for Kooyong
- Martin Mulcare, Independent for Bennelong
- Milan Maksimovic – CDP for McMahon
- Terry Morgan – Greens for Macquarie
- Angelo Tsirekas, Labor for Reid
- Hannah Rubenach-Quinn, Greens for Lyons
- Leisa Neaton, Labor for Capricornia
- Sue Etheridge, Greens for Fairfax
- Andrew Wilkie, Independent for Denison
- Tony Clark, Labor for Deakin
- Julie Collins, Labor for Franklin
- Viv Glance, Greens for Curtin
- Peter Morris, Greens for Hunter
- Tom Hunt, Greens for Whitlam
- Patrick Hyslop, Greens for Hasluck
- Lisa Chesters, Labor for Bendigo
- Matt Thistlethwaite, Labor for Kingsford Smith
- Susan Lamb, Labor for Longman
- Abigail Boyd, Greens for Dobell
- Alexandra Kaur Bhathal, Greens for Batman
- Tom Cummings, Greens for La Trobe
- Mercurius Goldstein, Greens for New England
- Peta Murphy, Labor for Dunkley
- Carly Saeedi, Greens for Fraser
- Beresford Thomas, CDP for Wentworth
- Thor Kerr, Greens for Tangney
- Jenny Macklin, Labor for Jagajaga
- Cath Blakey, Greens for Cunningham
- Julie Owens, Labor for Parramatta
- Ian Onley, Greens for Gippsland
- Hugh McKinnon, Greens for Jagajaga
- Phil Bradley, GReens for Parramatta
- Steve Raymond, Greens for Aston
- Alice Barnes, Greens for Ballarat
- Pietro Agnoletto, Greens for Wright
- Tim Clifford, Greens for Perth
- Mark Dreyfus, Labor for Isaacs
- Rhonda Funnell, Labor for Mackellar
- Simon Curtis, Labor for La Trobe
- Hillary Morris, Greens for Robertson
- Mike Freelander, Labor for Macarthur
- Peter Hayes, Labor for North Sydney
- Rose Ljubicic, Greens for Scullin
- Andrew Leigh, Labor for Fraser
- Suzan Virago, Greens for Blaxland
- Chris Buckingham, Labor for McMillan
- Matt Parmeter, Greens for Parkes
- Robyn Holtham, Greens for Kingston
- Brian Mitchell, Labor for Lyons
- Des Soares, NXT for Moreton
- Susan Templeman, Labor for Macquarie
- Michelle Rowland, Labor Greenway
- Tony Gibson, Greens for Fisher
- Gai Brodtmann, Labor for Canberra
- Michaela Sherwood, Greens for Hume
- Katie Gompertz, Labor for Bradfield
- Daniel Grosmaire, Independent for Eden-Monaro
- Ed Husic, Labor for Chifley
- Martine Delaney, Greens for Franklin
- Michael Caudre, CDP for Hughes
- Sharon Bird, Labor for Cunningham
- Daniel Kirk, NXT for Hindmarsh
- Samantha Ratnam, Greens for Wills
- Sandra Bayley, Greens for Ryan
- Jim Casey, Greens for Grayndler
- Jane Austin, Labor for Denison
- Helen McLeod, Greens for Kooyong
- Anthony Craig, Independent for Calare
- Wendy Tubman, Greens for Herbert
- Lee-Anne Miles, Greens for Pearce
- Ian Christoe, Greens for Murray
- Norm Jacobson, Labor for Kennedy
- Adrian Jones, Greens for Bradfield
- Tammy Solonec, Labor for Swan
- Muhammad Salman, Greens for Burt
- Sally Spain, Greens for Forde
- Carol Vernon, Greens for Cowper
- Adam Bandt, Greens for Melbourne
- Alex Breskin, The Greens for Isaacs
- Jason Ball, The Greens for Higgins
- Tom Webster, The Greens for Stirling
- Rebecca Galdies, The Greens for Sturt
- Emma Heyde, The Greens for Berowra
- Ellie Robertson, Animal Justice Party for Hughes
- The Greens candidates in SA: Robert Simms (Senator from SA), Robyn Holtham (Waite), Craig Vanstone (Wakefield), Jody Moate (Senate), Rebecca Galdies (Sturt), Matthew Carey (Port Adelaide), Jane Bange (Boothby) and Sophie Guy (Adelaide)
- Lyndal Howison, Labor for Bennelong
- Daniel Sova, Greens for Lalor
- Dr. Amanda Cohn, Greens for Farrer
- Matthew Carey, The Greens for Port Adelaide
- Rachel Seiwert, The Greens Senator for Western Australia
- Delanie Sky, The Greens for Calare
- Amanda Rishworth, Labor for Kingston
- Bill Leadbetter, Labor for Hasluck
- Milton Caine, CDP for Newcastle
- Kirsten Lovejoy, Greens for Brisbane and Andrew Bartlett, Greens Senate for Queensland
- Ursula Bennett, CDP for Eden Monaro
- Thomas French, Labor for Pearce
- Patricia Cahill, Greens for Canberra
- Laura Fraser Hardy, Labor for Bonner
Turnbull Coalition Team
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- Daniel Kwon, Greens for Fadden
- Louise Markus, Liberal for Macquarie