News | 16 September 2015

NSW Minister message to EAC

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Today the NSW government signed an agreement with the Federal government to roll out the NDIS across NSW, giving certainty to people with disability and their families and carers.

The Minister has filmed a special message for Every Australian Counts supporters.

Find out more about the NSW NDIS roll out.



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Hello, my name is John Ajaka, the NSW Minister for Disability Services.

In 2012 the signing of the National Disability Insurance Scheme agreement in NSW brought to a conclusion the campaign that had been fought by people with disability, their families and carers, to fundamentally change the way disability services are funded and treated in NSW and Australia.

With the signing of that agreement, a new era for people with disability commenced, an era of choice and control.

Together we have been working tirelessly to deliver on what those who campaigned for under the banner Every Australian Counts.

Today, I am delighted to announce that the Prime Minister and the Premier of NSW have just signed the bilateral agreement that delivers the full rollout of the NDIS in NSW.

The signing of this agreement gives certainly to people with disability, their families and carers, as well as service providers and disability support workers, about when this once-in-a-generation reform will be rolled out across our state.

Again, I’m thrilled to have witnessed the signing of this vital agreement that delivers the Baird Government’s commitment to improving the lives of people with disability, their families and carers.

More detailed information is available at

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