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📌 Do you live in Canberra or nearby?

📌 Would you be able to spend about an hour of your time with the Review team on Monday, November 21?

Good news – the Review panel (Bruce, Lisa, Dougie, Judith, Kevin, Stephen and Kirsten) are holding their first direct consultations with people with disabilities and families in Canberra on Monday, November 21, 2022.

The NDIS Review team told us this would be the first of many consultations between now and the middle of next year.

They’ve asked us to help get the word out to all of you in the ACT and surrounds. They know the Every Australian Counts community is a pretty passionate bunch when it comes to having a say on what needs to change with the NDIS!

Learn more in the sections below – or go right ahead and register your interest using the form on this page.

How can I let the NDIS Review team know I'm keen?

👉 You can fill out the form on this page.

👉 Or if you would prefer – get in touch with the NDIS Review team directly using the details on their website, or find info about this consultation on their website

And in case money is tight and you’re not sure – the NDIS Review team will pay you for your time on the Monday. They know your time and expertise is really valuable, and they know for a lot of us it’s not possible to do things like this without a little help to cover things like petrol, parking – or any other things…

Who do they want to hear from?
The Review panel especially wants to hear from people who don’t usually get to share their views or do things like this. So if there’s something that makes this seem a bit hard to get involved in – let them know. That could mean they’re even more keen to hear from you. See if they can help make it easier.

The list below doesn’t cover everyone of course, but it gives you a bit of a sense of groups of people who all too often miss out on things like this:

  • People with complex communication or support needs
  • People with cognitive or intellectual disabilities
  • People living in places like group homes, hospitals, and other institutions or hard-to-reach places
  • Young children with developmental delay or disability – and families/carers
  • People with more than one disability
  • First Nations communities
  • People from CALD backgrounds (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds)
  • Deaf and Deafblind people who don’t use English as a first language
What do they want to hear about?
So many of you have already explained your experiences with the NDIS in heaps of other reviews, inquiries, and surveys over the years – including through lots of forms and events here with us.

Thankfully – the Review panel have heard you all loud and clear. So they don’t want you to have to say the same old things over and over again (unless you want to of course). They’ve promised to go over the old reports and inquiries so you don’t have to repeat yourselves. in fact, they tell us they’ve already started.

What matters to you?

What do you think are the most important or helpful changes that could be made to make the NDIS work well for you or your family?

How you might like to be involved

With the NDIS Review now, and in the future.

A couple of things about the NDIS Review
The NDIS Review panel is independent, they are not part of the NDIA. Instead, they will do a bunch of studying, reading, and listening to all of us, and then make recommendations about NDIS improvements and changes to all of the state, territory, and Commonwealth disability ministers by October 2023.

You can learn more about them in the online Q&A we did with them and the Minister in October.

How do I get involved again?
The NDIS Review know you’re all really passionate and have plenty of helpful things to say.

If you’re comfortable with us sharing your details with them – for you – you can fill out the form on this page – and what you say will be emailed to them automatically. (But only if that’s what you choose).

Someone from the Review team will get back in touch with you as soon as they can.

Or – you can get in touch with them using the contact form on their website.

If you’d prefer not to have us hand over your details to them right away, you can also let us know in this form. That way the form will stay with us, and not go to them too. But that might make it harder for them to save you a spot – because they’ll want to have a chat with you about what they can do to make sure it’s a good and accessible experience – and they’ll also need to get some of your details so they can pay you for your time. Plus – they have a few more people than us so they’re faster at checking and replying to emails!

Let us know how you go if you do get to meet with the Review team – we’d love to hear your perspectives on it!

Tell the NDIS Review if you're keen

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